Chapter 4: The Apprentice Versus The Assistant

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Daniel holds his hand on the sensor orb of the analysis relic, the fancy magical fantasy device that was used on the first day to determine that, unlike Rikuto, Daniel is completely devoid of magic in this world to such a degree, he can't even benefit from the effects of magic, unless its effect is secondary to its actual spell. And, like then, the sensor orb is completely dark, not glowing at all.

Wenlianna, the high-ranking Court Magic Artisan, stands nearby with her arms crossed. She was certain that, having spent over two months in this world, Daniel's body would have absorbed enough magic to at least behave like an animal or plant. With her hypothesis shot down, it reopens the mystery of why Daniel is devoid of all magic. Rikuto, during the transfer, gained magic affinity, as well as a magic skill.

She asks, "You're not a super-mage hiding your abilities, are you?"

Daniel chuckles. "If I am, my Lady, I'm fooling myself as well."

She steps forward and flips his hand over. Still nothing. She tugs his shirt chest down, gently placing his cheek against the sensor, still with no reaction. She groans in frustration, and she allows him to stand back up, complaining, "How is this possible!? Everything I know suggests you should have SOME magic absorbed. Otherwise, how could plants and animals have it?"

She puts his hand back onto the orb, observing no glow for a moment before she touches a single finger of her own to the orb as well, and it immediately starts to glow. As soon as she removes her own finger, the glow dissipates.

Daniel offers, "If it makes you feel any better, my Lady, in my world, we had fictional stories about this sort of thing where the summoned person's power is so massive, it destroys the measuring system."

She's surprised, but for several reasons. She asks quickly, "Destroyed? Wait! You had fiction with divine summonings!? And magic!? I thought you said your world has no magic!"

"It doesn't. For us, it's fantasy. And yes. There were various types. Transported into video-... uh... fictional settings of stories, which serve as the setting. Transported into worlds like this; alien to the transported person or persons. Some of them were through summonings, others were through... uh... [reincarnation] after death."

"Reincarnation?" repeats the woman, pronouncing the English word well.

Daniel nods as he thinks. "Is that not a concept here? Your soul cycling from one life into a new life, sometimes in a different form."

"NO! What sort of thing is that!?"

Daniel chuckles. "It's an aspect of some of the religious faiths and non-religious beliefs of our world. Fearful of the notion of death, we envision either a paradise or retribution awaiting us based on our deeds, or a cycle of the universe that reuses our souls. Some people believe there's nothing after death."

Wenlianna exclaims excitedly, "YOU HAVE TO TELL ME MORE!"

She realizes her outburst, and she clears her throat. "That is to say, we should compare these cultural differences."

"As you wish, my Lady."

She groans in disgust suddenly. "Daniel! This is going to be the last time I tell you this; just call me 'Wenlianna' when we're not in court. PLEASE. I didn't ask to be born a noble, and I only work as hard as I do to keep my status so I can pursue my own research. So DROP the formality. I'm serious."

Daniel is quiet for a long time. She cocks her head, asking a little coldly, "Did you not understand something?"

Again, he hesitates, starting to speak, but trailing off. "I'm afraid I can't do that, my Lady."

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