Chapter 23: The Survivors

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It's been five days since Daniel started heading deeper into the demon wildlands, and he's organizing the many storage bags he collected, consolidating like items into individual bags and marking the bags with symbols that he can identify from the interface. Kera'tai is still asleep, and she sleeps rather defenselessly, as if she's not afraid of anything, or truly comfortable around Daniel.

He's given up trying to push her away at night. She likes to cuddle, apparently, and he's awakened several times to find her clinging to him under his blanket, which made him too hot. Her skin is cooler than his, so he wonders if she likes his body heat. He suspects he wasn't hot because of her body heat, since by definition, being cooler than him would make him feel cooler. But, he puts it out of his mind. He needs to stay as detached as possible.

Daniel sorts all of the small wooden containers that have potions inside, and symbols he can't read. He'll ask Kera'tai which ones are which, and from there, they'll revive the captives he still has in storage. He didn't want to withdraw them until he could heal them anyways, and now that he's actually organizing, it'll be easier to take care of.

Likewise, he has rations and water skins, and he prepares individual small bags to give to the captives when they send them on their way. He'll wait until they get close to Kera'tai's village so that the villagers can hopefully help them find their way. From what the young woman said, the Chi'rinnis have no interest in the weak, and they will likely cooperate with sending them towards their own peoples. Goblins are generally semi-nomadic, so as long as he sends a few of them off together, they should be able to function until they meet up with more goblins. The succubus came from the 'city', where the Demon Queen's direct subordinates are gathered. And, the beast-people are solitary hunters, often summoned by issuing written requests and posting them throughout the forest, and whoever shows up to accept the challenge become the forces provided by the beast people. Daniel knows the demi-humans, like the gatonines, have excellent natural senses, but supposedly, the beast people of the demon wildlands are even more in tune with their senses and the various signs of nature.

Kera'tai yawns and stretches, briefly expressing disappointment that she's alone. She climbs out of the shell they're using as shelter, and she mumbles, "Masterrrr... Why didn't you wake me?"

"I didn't need anything, and we're safe for the moment. Did you sleep well?"

She smiles and nods, yawning partway through. "What are you doing, Master?"

"Organizing my storage system. Actually, now that you're up, I wanted to ask you about the potions."


Daniel pulls out the five different potions he identified, and he sets them on the ground in front of her. "Can you tell me what these are and what they do?"

"Ahhhh! Potations! Not Potions. Potions are eastern alchemist brews. These are just spirits imbued with magic effects."

"Alright... What can they do?"

Kera'tai points at the one with a leaf-like squiggle for a symbol. "This one is a healing potation. As long as the person drinking it isn't dead, it can recover their wounds in a matter of minutes. It can't replace lost blood, but it does tend to keep users from dying on its own more often than not."

She then points to one with a red 'x'-like symbol, though it could also be a lazily-drawn trident. "This one is harder to make, so it's not always used, but it restores blood. For grievous wounds of high value allies, such as commanders or dragons, this one can cause the body to produce half of its normal blood volume in about ten minutes. So, it would be used in conjunction with the healing potation." She glances around, whispering, "I've also heard some will use it before battles, because it gives them much greater endurance when fighting. It's SUPER forbidden, though."

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