Chapter 24: The Protector of the Covenant

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"Lord Daniel?"

Daniel sighs. It's not Aoloan. It's Paet, the elder of the two young tigeress women. While possessing more features of a tiger than the gatonines do with cats, they aren't much different in the grand scheme of things. One has attractive blue coloring with black stripes, while the other has silvery gray hair and fur where present, with dark gray stripes. Both of their eyes are vibrant jade-green, with cat-like vertical pupils. Though, their expressions are relatively gentle at the moment.

"I told you, Aoloan and Kera'tai are messing with me. Please just call me Daniel."

Paet glances at Weya, her companion, and they both fidget.

With a sigh, Daniel asks, "What is it?"

"Commander Kera'tai mentioned that you collected all of the bodies felled in the battle."

Daniel hesitates for a moment as he continues sorting small items in a couple bags. He replies cautiously, "I did." He keeps his hand close to his hip, where his revolver is located. He still hasn't fired it, but its hammer cycles properly, so it shouldn't have issues.

"Did... Did she still have her revival potation?"

Again, Daniel hesitates to answer. He feels like they're being sincere, and they aren't trying to probe him as an enemy, but as an ally.

"Yes. I have it. Though, I don't know which body is hers. I won't revive the dragon."

Paet shakes her head. She sinks to the ground and bows her head to the ground itself. Weya follows suit, and Paet pleads softly, "Please revive our [Mikadresselle]. We shall serve you in payment, and pay any price."


"Yes. In simple terms, she is our princess. Dattakoriens answer to the Demon Queen when she calls, but we are protected by the Mikadresselle. She is our voice. It... was... beyond her control that she became concubine to the Dragon Lord's younger brother."

Daniel ponders the information with a nod. While it's definitely a tale incomplete, he believes the sincerity of the presentation of the story. From the context, he figures the Mikadresselle is close to a princess or duchess, and the 'Dattakoriens' -the tigerfolk- regard her as a high ranking official in that regard.

"Tell me about her. What is her role?"

Paet explains, "She answers to the Queen, and she chooses her warriors when battles are decided. It was my and Weya's great honor to serve alongside her, as well as our comrades. But, without her, the Queen can order us as slaves, should she be so inclined."

"I meant more of her personality. Is she a cruel person? Will she get along with a human?"

Paet confirms confidently. "She is open-minded and slow to judgment or anger. That you have treated the rest of us well will reflect highly on her. Her voice would be strong in aiding in your endeavors."

"I don't need connections right now, but I believe you. Would you give your life for her?"

Both Dattakoriens nod. Their feline ears flick nervously, but not in attempted deceit. "She is kind and wise. Much like Lord Daniel."

"Ah. Flattery. Nice." Daniel's sarcasm is just for the sake of sarcasm. He has no objections about reviving a princess, since he has no one else to revive at the moment. Assuming she has the influence these two claim, it could prove to be useful down the road. But, more importantly, if he uses -even if it's considered a waste- the revival potation on this Mikadresselle, then she can't beg for the dragon to be revived in turn. He has only the one, after all.

Daniel agrees to revive her, "Alright. I'll revive her. But, you have to make sure she doesn't try to kill me. Agreed?"

The two tiger-like women nod in agreement. "Of course, my Lord."

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