Chapter 45: The Goddess Returns

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Treia enters the dining hall as Daniel is lounging in a chair, drinking something alone. He sits up when he notices her. "Sar-uh, Treia. Doing alright?"

She smiles, sighing. "Yes. Just... restless."

Daniel notices her tail swishing back and forth, and he realizes instantly to remain on guard. "Restless, huh?"

She nods as she walks, looking at the high ceilings and decorative lights on the walls and arcades. "Yep. Is it alright if I join you?"

"Sure. Pull up a seat."

She takes a seat next to him, which he's conscious of, but doesn't remark on. Treia is a little bit more fiery about her thoughts and feelings, and she'll be embarrassed if she doesn't already realize her state. "What are you drinking?"

"This? Oh! Uh... Well, I was... having my own little celebration drink." He pours a small amount into a glass for Treia, handing it to her. She seems surprised by the small amount, but she lifts the glass, taking a small sniff. She recoils in surprise, asking, "Is... Is this a potation?"

Daniel cocks his head, a little surprised that's what she associated it with, but it makes sense. "Not quite. It's like a potation, but without the magic. Different ingredients, though."

She cautiously tries it, sipping just a tiny amount. Again, she recoils, and he chuckles. "You don't have to drink it. I'll get you something else if you want."

She sets the glass down, blushing a little. "I... Sorry. But, you... celebrate with this?"

He nods with an amused smile. "Yep. Sometimes. Better than drinking to bury pain."

She cocks her head, and he puts a glove on to operate a magic panel. "Anything you're in the mood for, Treia?"

"I... Uh, what are the options?"

"Pretty much anything. A lot of you ladies at Peony drink rose milk, right?"

She confirms with a small nod. "Y-Yes. I like the sweetness..."

He nods in turn. He taps on the panel, and a few moments later, a golem walks in carrying a pitcher with a clean glass for Treia. She smiles, accepting the drink. She nearly coughs, though, murmuring as she covers her mouth to prevent dribbling all over her clothes, "Th-... This isn't watered down at all..."

Daniel chuckles. "The Citadel isn't involved in the war on either side, and Xyreko has a large stockpile available for all kinds of things. Hopefully, the war will end soon, and production can return to normal." He takes a sip of his drink, and she ponders his words for a moment, sipping her own. It's milk of one of the livestock animals of this world, flavored with berry juices that give it a taste that reminds Daniel of the smell of roses. He's not actually sure if the word he defines as 'rose' is the same, since rose milk was his first experience with anything he could associate with roses.

"What's your drink called, Daniel?"

"This?" He inspects his dark brown liquor that Xyreko helped him make with the assistance of some willing potation brewers. "It's a first run of our attempt at a black spiced [rum]."

"Rum?" repeats the gatonine sergeant.

"Yep. A drink from my world made by fermenting and distilling sugarcane juice or molasses. One of the components of potations is alcohol. I don't know the mechanism, but the process to make them is similar to making drinks like this one."

She nods as she listens, sipping her milk. "I see... And, you like it?"

"This one's not my favorite, but it's a step towards the drink I used to have in my world. In fact, I had enjoyed a solid glass of it before I was summoned in Mornistae. Probably made it a little easier to brush off that I was suddenly exposed to magic and pulled into a completely different world." He smirks at her, and she chuckles. She swirls her glass a little, murmuring, "What you did... The... Devourer, was it? You really saved the world, didn't you...?"

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