Chapter 56: Eastern Princess meets Western Arch Priestess

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Daniel and Hekate escort Erimaya and her personal knight, a young woman named Praemar, as well as the maid that Daniel knows, Xiannelle to the prison cells, where the twenty thousand soldiers captured during the brief siege are being held.

"We've applied a magic contract to these soldiers that forbids them from returning to Fievegal territory after we return them to the east. If they do, they'll become immensely weak and perish after three days if they remain in our territory. They've all been appraised and chose the contract over death, since we chose not to apply any slave contract terms beyond this. After all, we just want to be left alone."

Erimaya asks gently, "Will you be applying this contract to us as well, your Grace?"

"No. You came under the flag of diplomacy, and you're a future family member."

Xiannelle clears her throat, causing Erimaya to glance over her shoulder briefly, but Hekate ignores the maid. "The intent is to stop soldiers from returning, especially with experience. If I have to contract all of my enemies so they can never attack again, I see no down-sides."

"I can see the value in such an approach," replies Erimaya. "And, I thank you once more for your hospitality."

"Of course! It's nice having someone younger than me to talk to for a change. Of course, it's a little awkward to be talking about prisoners."

"Please pay it no mind, your Grace. I know not the totality of the siege you mentioned, nor am I particularly familiar with warfare, sadly, but if what you say is true, that there were no casualties, then we can only be thankful."

"I should charge the eastern Empire or their home kingdoms for feeding them and providing them hotel services." Hekate cups her chin, murmuring more to herself, "Maybe I'll send them a bill and see who is gracious enough to pay up."

"H-Hotel... services?" repeats Erimaya.

"Hmm? Oh!" Hekate glances at Daniel briefly, and then explains. "Sorry. It's a word that means services like water, bathing, laundry. That kind of thing. An otherworldly word."

Erimaya giggles, and Hekate grins.

They reach the first cell they chose. "The person we're here to visit is Captain Muindis of the Stalvaltan Grand Duchy." She opens the door, leading the way inside.

About 50 soldiers are gathered in the cell, seated in rows as they await their return to Fort Twilight. Several of them look up, including Muindis, and they look defeated, but otherwise in perfectly good health.

However, Muindis finally recognizes Erimaya, and he scrambles up to a kneel. "Princess Erimaya!?"

The other soldiers do a double-take as well, and they scramble up to a crisp and noble kneel. "Princess!"

Erimaya quickly says, "Please be at ease, soldiers."

"Empress Hekate, your Greatness, please have mercy on the Princess. She doesn't deserve..."

"Relax," states Hekate bluntly, but with a warm tone. "Eri and I are friends, right Eri?" She looks at Erimaya, and the latter blushes. "Y-Yes of course, Y... H-Heka... Hekate."

Hekate laughs. "Yeah, my name isn't easy to shorten. THANKS, Darling."

Daniel smirks. "You can change it any time you like, your Greatness."

She gasps in horror. "As if I could do something so horrifying! My beloved husband gave me my name." She returns to being more professional, and Daniel keeps a stoic expression when Xiannelle glares at him briefly. "Anyway, you don't have to worry about Eri. We'll be sending her home with you, but without any add-ons. Unlike some people in this room, she returned to us with diplomatic intentions."

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