Chapter 59: The Mechanic's Castle

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Wenlianna marvels at the size of the titanic ancient castle rumored of in stories, standing seemingly as tall as a mountain and with doorways fit for dragons. She murmurs, "What size... Who could build something like this?"

Her sisters are crowded around the window as well, and Yormollett murmurs, "Dragons... It has to have been dragons, right?"

"Are we sure we should be coming here?" asks Yanidere nervously. "What if the rumors about the dragons conquering this place are true? Won't they... eat us?"

"I asked if you wanted to return," replies Aramellianna calmly. "I trust the words of Commander Leiwelles. If Daniel is the ruler here, we owe him an apology for the misunderstanding. And, we only stand to gain if we can also ally ourselves with the dragons, as opposed to being their enemies."

They pass the threshold of the outer wall surrounding the mountain-like castle, and they all retreat away from the windows of the carriage.

The town surrounding the castle is full of demon-kin of all walks of life and many sizes. There are dozens of goblins, ranging from adults to children, and even female goblins carrying infants. There are ogres, oni, feline dattakoriens, and even greater demons. Beasts of burden are humongous and threatening looking, including drakes, berrwocks, and species that none of them can even guess at.

It's a lively little town full of demon-kin, and while they observe the carriage, they make no aggressive moves towards them.

Additionally, every few yards, there is a pair of metallic-looking soldiers holding strange staves as they stand like statues, guarding the way from either side.

"I guess... it's too late now, isn't it?" asks Yanidere a little dryly.

No one replies as they silently ride into the courtyard of the inner perimeter of the Citadel. One of the metallic soldiers not carrying a staff approaches the carriage, and the knights escorting them ask, "Can we help you?"

"Welcome to the Citadel," speaks the being with a somewhat hollow-sounding male voice. "I am known as Ucahote, General of the Fievegal's National Guard. I regret to admit that my lord and lady, as well as our Prime Minister, have yet to return, but I was told to expect your arrival, Grand Duchess Aramellianna. I have already taken the liberty of preparing personal quarters for you and your family, as well as a bath. Dinner will be served in two hours, and there are comestibles in your quarters if you are unbearably famished. Please, allow me to greet the Grand Duchess and escort you all inside."

The Stalvaltan Guard looks at Aramellianna, still inside the carriage, and she nods. He opens the door, allowing the Grand Duchess to step down, and her daughters follow.

The metallic being bows, "Grand Duchess Aramellianna, it is my pleasure to meet you. As I have said, I am Ucahote, General of the National Guard. Please do not be alarmed by your surroundings. Empress Hekate has forbidden the harming of humans and human-kin except in self-defense. All races are welcome here, and all are forbidden from violence. Come. I'll give you a brief tour."

"Mother..." murmurs Wenlianna. "It's... a golem."

"I know, Darling. We shall treat lord Ucahote with respect regardless." She curtsies. "We apologize for arriving unannounced. However, we were unsure how to make an official request for audience, and our business is urgent. May we speak with Empress Hekate and Emperor Daniel as soon as possible?"

Ucahote cocks his head. "'Emperor' Daniel?"

Aramellianna nods. "Grave mistakes and miscommunications were made that I bear responsibility for. But, I have it on good authority now that Daniel is the Emperor of the Fievegal."

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