Chapter 40: Hiding in Plain Sight

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Author's Note: Hey Dear Readers! Just a quick announcement! I decided to go with option B, which is to post a separate story on Wattpad with only the NSFW chapters. These are 18+ chapters, so read at your own risk. Feel free to check out the first of such chapters, 38.5, here:

I'll be adding NSFW chapters at the same time as their immediate preceding chapter from now on. So, for 38.5, it would have been the same day as 38, and for 46.5 (next one I currently have written, if I don't write one in between) will be the same time as CH 46. Thank you and on with the story!


Shortly after Daniel finished the first of his two planned nuclear weapons made with his best guesses, memories from Earth, and deduction from what he knows of the principles of their operation, some strange visitors arrived at the Citadel requesting an audience in spite of the dragons flying around. They weren't deterred by the Citadel's location deep in the Demon Wildlands, nor the fact that Daniel has laid low while building the nukes in hopes of keeping them almost entirely secret other than if and when they destroy the Devourer, a monster consuming the demon wildlands and eventually the whole world.

After putting his armor's helmet on, Daniel should be extremely difficult to kill, but because he's not a melee fighter, the visitors could still prove deadly. They arrived bearing the sigil of the Stalvaltan Grand Duchy; an emblematic symbol of a feldrok wielding all six of the fundamental magic elements.

Xyreko teleports them both to just outside of the ground floor audience chamber, where she lets him enter before they are brought in. Hekate is lounging in the 'throne', and she perks up when he enters. "Daniel!"

"Shhh! Whatever you do, don't call me that in front of them unless I reveal it, please. I want to try to fish for information."

Xyreko clarifies, "We are not certain why they have come all this way. They could be assassins posing as allies."

Hekate coos, "Ahhhhh... Yes that makes sense." She casts a spell, and a barrier appears around her. She grins at Daniel, and he nods. "Try not to provoke them, but feel free to pick their brains for information. Metaphorically."


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She nods brightly and eagerly. "Will do! Leave it to me... Darling." She grins at him.

He sighs, but adds playfully, "I suppose we have no choice this time."

She giggles, waving at the door, and the golems open the double doors gesturing for the soldiers to walk in. The soldiers, all wearing the Stalvaltan sigil on some part of their outfits, walk in cautiously. They notice that there are no dragons on the throne, but they remain cautious.

Without prompting, the captain of the squad halts the squad at a fair distance, kneeling as the others follow suit. "Forgive our intrusion, your Majesty. I am Captain Muindis of the Stalvaltan Guard's Third Battalion Advance Reconnaissance unit, 'Wyrmgaze'. These are my soldiers. If necessary, I shall introduce them, but I would spare you the time by speaking for them if it so pleases you."

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