Chapter 60: The Dragon's Hoard Part 1

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~Author's Note: Hey Dear Readers, I'm doing a triple chapter drop today, so please enjoy! Also, for those of you interested, the NSFW chapter 60.5: The Goblin Queen will be live on the separate story on my page. It's probably a little goofy, but I decided to share it anyways. Thanks for all of the support, and I hope you continue to enjoy!~


Daniel approaches the dining table as he finishes fastening his armor. Hekate rests on his back as he carries her effortlessly. She greets everyone as they're taking their seats for breakfast. "Good mmmyorninnng," yawns Hekate.

"Good morning, your Greatness," replies Ryuogriar. "I'm surprised Daniel was able to rest."

Hekate lays her ears back as she grimaces at the dragon. "I'll have you know, Daniel and I did unspeakable things together last night."

"'Unspeakable' because there's nothing to speak of, yes?"

"Hrk! Why you... You insolent lizard! I'll chew your face off!"

Daniel extracts Hekate from his back, holding her out in front of himself for a moment. "Now, Hekate, don't ruin your appetite on faces. Take your seat and pretend you're an empress for a bit in front of the guests."

Hekate flinches, and she glances at the women of the Stalvaltan family, who are awkwardly watching the spectacle.

The young feldrok empress springs out of Daniel's grip, dropping to her feet and standing proud. "Good morning, all. I hope you were able to rest comfortably in my castle."

"Uh... Yes," replies Aramellianna, exercising every bit of her composure and practiced noble grace. "Your Greatness Hekate, thank you for your hospitality. I hope your own rest was restorative and comfortable."

"It was, thank you." Daniel pulls Hekate's chair out, and she climbs up onto it. Daniel pushes her chair in and takes his own as she says chipperly, "Thank you, Darling!"

Hekate then huffs, "Now then, Ryuo, what's this I hear about you wanting to return to the dragon's keep?"

"Hmm?" asks the seniormost dragon.

"Daniel told me last night." Hekate crosses her arms and looks away. "It sounds like an adventure, so I obviously intend to accompany him."

"Ah. I thought you were trying to get rid of me again." Ryuogriar dabs bread crumbs from her lips with her napkin, explaining as she prepares her waffles with syrup. "I have some personal effects still in the keep. Mukori offered to retrieve them on our behalf in order to avoid us risking being cursed again."

"Cursed?" asks Bunnrimae curiously.

"Indeed," replies Ryuogriar. She looks to Daniel, asking gently, "Mukori, how much of our tale can we share?"

Daniel asks Xyreko as she sits beside Ryuogriar, even though she can't partake in food. "Xyreko, can the curse be replicated by anyone outside of the Citadel?"

"I do not know that I could replicate it, my Lord. Since its true nature was lost upon inoculation, I doubt anyone else could reverse engineer it."

Aramellianna offers, "I have no intention of threatening the dragons who are allied with you, your Grace. We will explore defenses, but curses are far beyond our house's specialty."

"A-A-And you don't have to worry about me making any, Dan-um, your Grace!" adds Wenlianna urgently. "I didn't even really want to help with the air pulse cannon. For which I'm still very sorry, Great Aunt Reina."

"It's fine, Wenlianna. Thank you for telling me more about my sister's descendants."

Wenlianna blushes and nods.

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