Chapter 58: The Skirmish at Fort Twilight

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~Author's Note: Hey Dear Readers, just as a reminder, if you haven't seen it or didn't get notified by Wattpad, since I reordered it into it's proper position; I added a bonus chapter, 7.1, which helps give Rikuto a little more character. I had the inspiration for it as spur of the moment, so I wrote it while the ideas were fresh. Please check it out if you've read this far and haven't seen 7.1 already!

As always, thank you for reading, and I hope you continue to enjoy!


An explosion rumbles out, reaching Daniel, Ryuogriar, Xyreko, and Erimaya in the carriage. Praemar and Xiannelle cry out, "Princess!"

Erimaya looks to Daniel. "D-Daniel?"

He can only sigh. "Looks like negotiations turned south."

"It was unlikely they would trust that these are their own soldiers after this long," replies Ryuogriar.

"I'm willing to bet it had more to do with 'Empress Hekate Fell Lawson' suddenly showing up in person at their gates." Daniel puts his helmet on as he says this, snugging the fasteners for his armor and picking up his sword.

"I'm sorry for all the trouble," murmurs Erimaya.

"It's not your fault, Erimaya. Hekate wanted to make a show so that as many people as possible know not to mess with her. What you're hearing is the fort resisting, but she won't hurt anyone."

She nods, looking up at him with concern. He already has his helmet on, so smiling would do no good. So, Daniel reassures her by petting her head the same way he does with Hekate. Erimaya blushes, and Xiannelle growls softly. "Sit tight. Xyreko, if we need to evacuate, transport Erimaya and her attaché to safety before anything else."

"As you wish, your Grace."

Ryuogriar follows as Daniel steps out of the carriage, and the soldiers are nervously watching the small battle taking place at the gates. Hekate has already blown the gate open with her ice-rifle and fire magic, which looks bigger and more devastating than it actually was. She's now on the upper wall, disarming soldiers in swaths using her magic and agility as they try everything they can to pin her down. She seems to be having fun as far as Daniel can tell.

"We've got a long way to go with our Empress, don't we, Mukori?" asks Ryuogriar dryly.

"Just remember, Ryuogriar, that our little Empress helped me conquer the Citadel. I brought the firepower, but I couldn't have navigated without her."

Ryuogriar is quiet for a moment. "I wonder if the old lord could process the irony... He brought her back to the hoard as little more than a whelp. I'm... sure she's told you..."

"Dragons find her true form ugly." The two walk towards the gate as Hekate distracts/embarrasses the soldiers guarding the fortress. She's thankfully being careful not to hurt any of them too badly, and her small size and agility make her untouchable to them. She's also laughing, which will do nothing positive for the soldiers and their morale.

"The lord certainly did... He knew what she was. We all did. I can't say I ever foresaw this future, but she... was a child. I didn't find her attractive, but I can't count how many times I've felt guilt over her treatment... when we mighty dragons couldn't produce a single viable child that lived more than a year." She looks at Daniel with shimmering eyes. She's not crying yet, but she's feeling something deep with her thoughts. "I hope it resonates with all who deem themselves almighty. That which you look down on has a line of sight on your throat." She looks up at the wall and Hekate as they draw closer. "I have given it much thought. And, she is still a child."

"Do you know Hekate's actual age?"

"Yes. She's fifteen, just as you've likely assumed all this time. I don't know where the lord found her, as the only remaining feldroks should have been the Feral Feldrok and the Devourer, who were both hundreds of years old."

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