Chapter 64.4: Bonus Chapter: Hekate and the Dragon's Hoard Part 4

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Hekate cuddles a crudely made straw doll that the little feldrok girl had when she was still a slave to Morthybargaron. She kept it tucked away in the small cubby hole in the wall of the stables, which continue to stink even months after the Keep was abandoned by the dragons.

Geirahoel watches Hekate treasure the loosely defined 'doll', her expression twisted with horror and disappointment. The dragon makes a mental note for herself to speak to Daniel immediately upon their return and ensure Hekate wants for nothing.

The orange dragon knew Hekate was abused, and she did nothing to defend the helpless child. However, seeing what Hekate was able to treasure, or rather, what she had to cling to in order to keep some form of her sanity and child-like hope; it all has Geirahoel deeply upset at herself, as well as all of the other dragons.

The fact that Hekate has not killed them all in revenge is not lost on Geirahoel, and never has it been more blatantly obvious in the dragon's mind.

"H-Hekate... m-may I?" murmurs the dragon finally. She's not really sure what she's saying or why, but it felt like the right thing to do.

The feldrok girl cocks her head, a little surprised. She smiles gently, however, and she hands the doll over gingerly.

Geirahoel holds it just as preciously, studying the doll for a moment. A few strands of straw were used to tie the parts that define its shape, making legs, arms, a head, and 'horns' or 'ears'. It's difficult to tell which. It looks like there's a face formed by dark finger smudges, as well as a simple round mouth. But, due to the filth, Geirahoel could just be seeing what she wants to see on the doll.

She replies softly as she hands it back, "It's... cute. Did you make it yourself?"

Hekate shakes her head, still staring at the doll now that it's returned, a placid smile spread across her face. "No. I just remember having it for as long as I can remember." She touches its backside, saying softly, "It used to have a tail... But I lost it." She pouts, seemingly recalling the event. "One of the stupid gulpoxen ate it." She scoffs, grumbling a little sarcastically, "I hope he appreciated it when it happened to him."

Geirahoel knows she should laugh. It's funny enough that she normally would. But, she's still hung up on the pitiful doll being Hekate's one and only 'treasure' after all the time she spent being kicked around and ordered to do ridiculous things. No one, save the singular soul that created the doll, had even a shred of kindness to extend to a wretched little waif that didn't deserve any of the cruelty she endured. She's glad Hekate spoke up for the eggs. The little feldrok empress is right.

Geirahoel asks softly, "Does... the doll have a name?"

Hekate smiles with a light scoff, and Geirahoel cocks her head, a little confused. The feldrok girl continues to tug at the dragon's heart strings. "No... I didn't know that names were something that can just be given." She smiles up at Geirahoel brightly, disarming the dragon. "I guess I'll have to give her one, now."

The auburn-haired woman smiles in return. "Certainly."

"I'll do it when I've had some time to think," remarks Hekate as she puts the doll away in her bag. "I was worried she would be gone, so I didn't really give it any thought."

"No rush, I'm sure. I'm glad you were able to find it."

Hekate nods proudly. "Mm-hmm! Thanks!"

The dragon still feels horrible guilt gripping her soul, but she keeps a neutral expression as Hekate looks around. "The acolytes really let this place go, didn't they?" She snickers, adding facetiously, "Though, I guess it was one of my tasks, too..." She starts marching towards the tunnel they came in by, and Geirahoel watches for a moment. She takes one last look at the cubby hole that Hekate got stuck trying to climb into. A pitiful little nest for a mistreated child, and yet, she can still smile and laugh.

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