Chapter 18: The Broken Mechanic

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Treia groans at the dining table. "Geeeezzz. I hate that guy so much. He's so pathetic."

A few of the other women at the table with her nod in agreement.

"I mean, how can a guy be so pathetic? He's worse than a little boy." She puts her cheek on her fist, grumbling as she toys with her food. "It'd have been easier if he didn't come back."

"Indeed. How did he even make it back? Especially with no magic."

One of the medics is sitting nearby, and she murmurs, "I was surprised the potion didn't actually work. Talk about a waste. Can't believe I agree with him on something."

Treia grumbles, "What's worse, he doesn't even contribute anything anymore. We're supposed to just have a scummy freeloader just floating around doing whatever he wants?"

"Right. Why does the Commander keep him around?"

Gwenesphia finally tries to speak up, "Because..."

Treia cuts her off with a scowl, "BECAUSE, she was obviously hoping he was lying about having no magic. He's supposed to be a divine summon, supposedly, but he's the most useless person in the world!"
The others nod in agreement. But, Gwen tries to refute, "That's not..."

Treia snaps at her, "He's a spineless coward! He doesn't deserve to even be alive. Why do you defend him? Would you trust him to fight alongside us? Would you trust him to sleep next to you in a tent? He's a bad person, Lieutenant. I don't care how polite he seems. I HATE that I have to see him."

One of the women murmurs as she cuts her food, "It'd be a shame if something happened to him. He's weaker than before. He might get hurt falling."

Bellstram adds, "He goes in and out of the smithy every night. Lot of sharp objects in there."

Gwenesphia gasps, glancing at the others. "Y-You can't talk like that! You can't threaten..."

Treia stands up, saying coldly, "Who's threatening? He doesn't care about his own life. Why should any of us?"

Gwen is silent for a moment, but only because she's shocked and doesn't know what to say.

Treia says quietly, "I'm off to bed. Good day, Ladies." She makes her way out. She reaches her room and closes her door. She sinks to a seated position against her door, clutching her head in her hands. She feels sick. She agreed with those points wholeheartedly at one point, but to really hear herself, now that she has to intentionally do it...

Why couldn't you just defend yourself? Why put up with it? Leave! Go anywhere but here! Lash out! Anything!

She lies down on the floor in front of her door, feeling pretty scummy herself. The hopeful part of her heart is desperate to believe the Commander is just playing cold and heartless. She's always been a brave and intelligent sort. She's not usually an overly friendly person, but to think she might actually want Daniel disposed of without saying it explicitly...

No! That can't be. She's the one who pointed out what Daniel had done for the fortress. She made a point of shoving it into my face. She's definitely trying to lure out anyone truly hostile.

I... hope...

She kicks her foot, feeling her leather training helmet tumble across the floor. It wouldn't really matter normally, but she hears it hit a stand, and her gaze snaps up. She watches helplessly as a precious personal treasure falls from the stand; a small magic device that depicts her and her siblings, with a voice recording of her little brothers and younger sister singing their favorite lullaby to her.

It hits the floor, flickering briefly, before the glowing magic image dissolves. Treia stares in horror. She scrambles across the floor, fidgeting with the device. However, it refuses to turn back on. "No! No! Not this! Anything but this...!"

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