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I'm dragged into a room with lots of people, there has to be around 100. Out of all of them, my eyes land right on Jed. Why is he here? Must be he's one of them. Maybe he knew my mom.
After the man that's making me do this finished my introduction he dragged me into a small office. "Im going to tell you everything I can." what does he mean by everything he can. I nod and he continues.
"Your adopted," he pauses but continues, "your real mom was scared you would be hurt due to her being in the resistance," my breathing faults, "you were sent to your mothers friend form the resistance, everything was buried to keep you safe.
"Your adopted father was killed by the goverment for withholding information about you and the resistance. The world is ending, it's all a simulation. The world is deteriorating and they simulate a healthy earth so people don't do anything about it." I feel a tear run down my cheek and immediately try to hide that I'm crying.
"The government is trying to take over and control everyone, they are creating armies of people to slaughter civilians. They think if they kill enough people they can reverse the damage done to this planet. We believe you may have abilities, the government is hunting you down for something. Your mother was very powerful."
"That's a lot to process, you realize that right," I say quickly. "What do you mean by abilities?"
"Everyone in the resistance has powers, we are called Elites. There are some human allies as well. Any questions?" I stare at him as though he really thinks I don't have questions.
"I don't have superpowers if that's what you're asking." this is ridiculous.
"Whatever you say, well we are going to start with combat training, and then we will master your abilities." oh great, can't wait.
"I'm going to partner you guys up and you guys can get started on the exercises." says a tall woman. I look around to see everyone in the room. Jed. Ugh Jed is here.
"Mark and Amy, Dugan and Azela, Rocky and Dave, Dahlia and Jed," it takes me a few seconds to realize I've been partnered with Jed.
We got assigned to the 2nd station which looks to be deadlifting...I can't do that. "Do you even know how to do this?" I hear Jed say.
I ignore him, I'll have to figure it out on my own. I'm still in denial about all of this. This. Is. Crazy.
"You can't ignore me while we are training."
"And why is that? I can do what I want."
"You're not going to ruin my training, of all things you have to invade this."
"You think I want this, you think I want to hear the lies I've been told my entire life. Oh I might have abilities, I'm so excited." I say sarcastically
"Listen, I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that. I just want to be able to train without conflict."
"Yeah, whatever." We continue on with training and I don't ignore him.
I found out I can deadlift 80 pounds. Jed said that's ok. I don't think I very good at this thing. I lost so much weight after the incident, I have no muscle and no fat, I'm just skin and bones. Jed can deadlift 320. I think that's crazy.
We practice basic punching and turns out of pretty good at that. The movements are easy and I have excellent reflexes. I still hate Jed.

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