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I'm contemplating telling Ella about what's going on. They said it's confidential. Doesn't that mean she can be killed for knowing? I'm definitely not telling her.
I still have to figure out my power, my mom had a long list of power so I'm trying from the list. Kyler (the resistance leader) told me that they had to run some tests on me to see if I had the genetic mutations.
"I'm not even going to lie, this is going to hurt." the scientist says. Jeez, that's comforting.
"What's your name?" I ask trying to make conversation to distract myself from the use needle he's about to stick in my body.
"Levi, I would ask yours, but I know it." I giggle not because what he said is funny but the fact that anyone knows my name. Even at my old school, my so-called friends didn't even remember it. "What so funny?"
"I'm not sure. OUCH! Is that the needle?" I wince at the pain in my arm. Why did I even ask? Of course, it is.
"All done. You'll get results back in a few hours, I will be able to tell you what powers you have if you have any.
"Sounds fun, maybe," He wraps my arm in a bandage and hands me ice.
"It is, this ice will help with the after-effects." I wonder how bad a bruise this will be. What will people at school say?
"What's wrong? Why do you look so-" I hear Kyler ask.
"Anxious. I'm waiting for my results on the tests."
"Well, lets go in and see if they're in."
"Oh no its ok ill wait here."
"Come on, everything will be fine. I promise." he leads me to the lab. "Are Dahlias results in."
"Thats what I have to talk to you about. I've never seen anything like this before." oh god, I probably have a terminal illness or maybe-
I'm cut off when I hear, "holy shit, that's...wow."
"Hello, is anyone going to tell me what's going on?" I basically scream
"Oh yes, sorry. Right here you can see the inexsuperabilis b gene, which is very rare. You also have the potens x gene which your mom had. What I don't get is this right here, these purple dots, I have no clue what they are. Do you mind if we do a brain scan on you?" what the hell kind of gene is that?
"Can you start by telling me what the genes are?" I start biting my nails.
"Inexsuperabilis b is a very powerful gene, You are immortal, it's very rare, I'm not sure where you got it cause your mom did not have it. The potens x gene makes it possible for your body to hold abilities that are stronger than most people. People can have powers without that gene, they are normally not very powerful and get their energy drained quickly." I say nothing because I don't know what to say. He continues.
"Your genes are very prominent, I'm surprised you haven't had any signs of power yet. There might be something you do or are wearing that damper your powers. Did your mom give you anything, that you never take off?" my mind goes immediately to my jade bracelet. I hold it up. Kylers eyes go wide.
"What, what is it?"
"That bracelet, that bracelet went missing long ago from our head quarters. It was the only bracelet like that in the entire world, handcrafted by the worlds best elites. Made to not only damper power but completely stop it. How long ago did she put this on you?" since forever. I always wondered how my wrist never outgrew it.
"Since before I can remember. I don't even remember when she put it on." this is it.
"We have to take it off." I nod and he takes a pair of chain cutters and cuts it off.
I pass out.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Am I alive?
"Your awake," the man picks up a walkie talkie and speaks in it, "she's awake, Dahlia is awake."
"We didn't think you were going to wake up."
"While I'm here aren't I. How long have I been asleep?"
"1 week, we didn't think you were going to wake. The amount of power you have just started surging through you so suddenly, your body couldn't take it."
"1 whole week, are you serious?" suddenly Kyler is standing in front of me.
"Very. Just as I suspected your very powerful. Oh yeah we found out what the purple dots are. They are something called the ultra vires, it appears to have cause a genetic mutation. Its never been found in a person before."
"Then whats it been found in."
"Nuclear energy."

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