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Telekinesis: the ability to move objects with your mind
telepathy: able to communicate with people through your mind; without speaking.
Reality Warping: Psychic ability to manipulate reality; can make people believe something's there when it's not.
Earth Manipulation: the psychic ability to manipulate Earth (dirt, rocks, etc.)
Water Manipulation: the psychic ability to manipulate water; can move with mind, kind of ties in with kinesis abilities
light manipulation: psychic manipulate light; can cause a distraction by adding too much light or taking away light
Omnikenesis: the ability to mentally control anything and everything physically. (Can kill the host for using it cause it's so powerful.)
Teleportation: ability to move from one place to another; without walking; immediate
Super speed: move super fast
Invisibility: not be seen
Invulnerability: impossible to harm or damage under certain circumstances; not always; (have to know how to control it and drains you of energy when using; only lasts a certain amount of time; however long the person can handle; slowly kills)
Super strength: lift very heavy things
Atmokenesis: can control weather

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