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I wake up to an alarm blaring. I jump up thinking it's a bad alarm but then I hear time to get up come through the intercom. I find clothes sitting on the floor and change into them. It is a uniform that consists of a tight black shirt and tight black pants.
My door clicks open and I follow a group of around six people to a cafeteria. It's not very big and has individual eating tables. There's exactly seven.
The people I'm following go into a small room which looks to be where you pick up your food. There's trays of food already prepared.
I pick mine up and wait for everyone else to sit down and I choose the last one open.
The food doesn't look very good but I'm really hungry. I scared down my food and take care of my tray.
There are no girls here, just boys. "What do you do here?" I ask the closest boy to me.
"Why is there a girl here?" Asks a boy standing next to him. The boy shrugs.
"Can you answer my question?" It comes out a bit rude. I feel the sting of a slap across my face.
"Do not speak to me like that." Why is he acting like he's better than everyone else.
"Your no better than me, I will not be talked to like that," I feel a dagger graze my neck and an arm around my waist. I have a cuffs on but maybe I can use my power still. Except they might put more cuffs on me if they know I can still use my power and I can't have that. Hand to hand combat it is.
I wrap my leg around his and pull. He loosens his grip so I grab his arm and press his pressure point the knife falls to the floor. I quickly pick it up and put the dagger to his throat.
"Don't touch me. Ever again." He does nothing. "Say something, say you won't touch me again." He swallows but says nothing. "Fucking say it." I tighten my grip threatening to puncture his throat.
"Fine, ok. I won't touch you again. I'm sorry. Please let me go." I let him go and hand his dagger back.
"Be careful with that." I say looking at the dagger then back at him. I turn around to go back to my room. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to but i don't care. For some reason something's telling me to turn around. So I do. Then seconds later a dagger is in my stomach. I wince but don't show weakness. "I thought I told you to be careful." I rip the dagger out and shove it in my pocket. I'm bleeding a lot so I quickly heal it.
He looks scared now. "I'm going to be keeping the dagger by the way. I'm not going to kill you, don't worry." For the first time in minutes I realize all the other boys left. He looks relieved. "I'm not a killer."
I walk out of the room and get as far down the hall as possible. Then I fall down on my knees. Something is wrong with me. I feel like I'm going to pass out and my stomach hurts so much. Not like a cut more like I'm about to vomit.
I pushed through the pain and stood. I walked as fast as I could to my room. I slam the door shut and fall to the ground.
I lay there for a while when I hear the door click. "Get up, I'm here to show you around and how a day works." The voice belongs to Ace.
"Why so late? You couldn't show me when I woke up? Would have been easier." Ace kneels down beside me.
"I was busy, what's wrong with you?" He looked worried but I know it's an act.
"One of your little boys threw a knife at me, I healed it and I started getting a stomach ache and nausea. It's not because of the cut something else is happening."
"Was it after lunch? Who threw the knife at you?" Ace asks
"Yeah it was and I don't know the guys name. Once I see him I can point him out." Ace nods.
"I'm guessing your food was poisoned. Did you eat it all?" I nod. "They shouldn't have washed the trays yet. Come with me to find the tray and we can test it for poison."
He offers me his hand but I don't take it and stand up on my own. He opens the door for me and I follow him to the cafeteria. I go to where I discarded my trey and give it to him.
"It's this one. Where do you take it?" I don't know why I'm asking questions. I don't want to talk to him.
"Follow me," I also don't know why I follow him. But I do. We walk down a few hallways until we reach a door with a keycard access lock. Ace uses his keycard and when I walk in it feels very cold. I start to shiver.
"If you're cold you can borrow my jacket, I produce enough heat." Well at least someone's prepared. I don't want to take it but I'm really cold. So cold.
"Thank you." He hands me the jacket and I put it on. It goes down to my knees. He must be at least 6'5". He is huge. Muscular, tall, and handsome. I shouldn't be thinking like this.
"This is the lab. There going to run some tests to see if you were poisoned. You recovered quick so it shouldn't be too bad." He hands the tray to a man. "Should only take fifteen minutes." I nod and sit down in a chair.
"When am I training? I assume there's training if you want me to fight." I've missed training. It takes my mind off of stuff.
"You will start tomorrow. You will spar, use the gym, use your abilities. Pretty much same as your old place." My old place. It will always be just my place not old. It will never be old.
"I won't fight for you guys."
"'My father will find a way. He always does."

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