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I haven't seen anyone is days, Roger hasn't come to my room. I haven't eaten or drunk for, well I don't know how long. And I'm tied to this damn pole. I think he's seeing how long I can go without breaking.
There's no windows, no vents, no anything except for one door and a pole in the middle. This position is starting to get uncomfortable or has been for a while, the pain in my thigh from the dagger still protruding from it distracts me. If only I could free my hands.
A similar thing was done to me when I was in tenth grade by Emily. She's tied me to a street pole and punched me a lot. Then she left. A person finally found me and untied me. They insisted on telling the police but I knew they could do nothing. Emily's dad is the police chief or was I'm not sure anymore. I don't want to think about it. I left it behind and I intend on keeping it that way.
If I don't make it out of here, I need to at least ask to write letters to people. I need to tell the people I love what I needed to before I die. I doubt I will ever see them again. I lost hope since this is the second time this has happened, although the last place was better. I wonder if Roger is doing this for the military or if it's a private association.
I wish I could tell Jed, that I want to be with him. I don't think I'll get that chance again. If I wasn't so selfi-
Im snapped out of my thoughts when the ground shakes. Not a little tremor a huge ass shake. Like Mercalli scale level nine shit. I hear people screaming outside my room and fast feet. There running but from what. I see my door swing open.
"Oh my god, its her. I never thought I'd see her in real life." I see a tall man standing infront of me. Who's he talking to? He looks young probably alround twenty five, handsome, brown hair. That's all I can see everything else is a blur. "You don't look very good." I do not have the strength to move or talk so is it still.
"Grab her, carefully. I need her alive." Dammit another fucking person coming after me. I can barely move or breath. Let alone use any power. Another man, I'm assuming the one he was talking to before picks me up, his hands are rough. Jed is gentle, so very gentle. This person is the opposite, he's rough, his hands are hard. I can't see a thing. I think this is death, I take a breath in and everything goes dark. I'm dead.
"She should wake up anytime now, she was severely starved and dehydrated. She was tortured there." I open my eyes and see Jed. I fly up.
"LIA!" He brings my head to his chest and hugs me tight, like its the end of the world. It hurts a bit from my injuries but I don't care right now. "I- I thought I lost you, I rea-," I cut of and pull him down to my face and crash my mouth into his. I'm ready for him, I need him like I need oxygen. I'm happy in this moment, I forget everything else.
He pulls back and my body shivers at the loss of body heat. "The others are here to, do you want me to get them?" I nod eagerly.
Jed walks out and comes back with Noah. Wait Rose. "Wait, wheres Rose?" I blurt out.
"So your not excited to see us." Noah says.
"No, I mean I am but Rose she, she was the one who took me. She kidnapped me and told me-." I'm cut off.
"Wait WHAT!" Noah yells. "That little bitch, she's so gullible always has been." what is he talking about.
. "Why do you say that?" Jed asks
"This man came up to us and said if we smuggled her to this man we would get paid a lot of money, like a lot. But your worth more than that to me." Jed glares at him. "Chill mama bear, anyway I said no, and we walked away but I'm guessing she went back to the man." Jed is fuming.
"You didn't think to say something about this while she was gone." Wait how did I get back here? I thought that man was trying to take me to his place.
"I-I didn't think she would do that." Noah spews back.
"Just becaus-," I cut him off
"STOP, I have a lot of questions so if you could please answer them that would be great. I will answer whatever questions you have too." I need to tell them what happened. Whether I want to or not. They both look at me and nod. "How did I get here?"
"One of our partner corporations found you. They brought you back here." Jed replies. "What happened to you? You had so much blood on you, and you weren't doing very good. But you had no wounds.
"The man, was my adopted father," Noah's mouth drops while Jed's eyes widen but they let me continue. I swallow the lump in my throat, "He acted like I was dog shit on an expensive shoe, like he d-didn't know me." I'm starting to tear up, Jed reaches for my face and wipes my tears with his thumb.
"If you're not ready to talk-" Jed scrambles out.
"No I am, I have to talk about it." Even though it's very hard, I need to tell someone.
"He would cut me, deep, all over and make me heal myself. Sometimes he would punch me to see if I could heal bruises. That kind of thing. He left me to starve for I don't know how long. I'm thinking a week or so." Jed and Noah look at me with disbelief.
"Lia, how long do you think you were gone?" Jed says with a puzzling look on his face.
"I would say a few weeks maybe a month." Noah and Jed exchange a look. "Why what is going on?"
Jed grabs my hand, "darling, you were gone for six months." My vision blurs, I realize it's tears. I begin to blink a lot. No it can't be, six months. That's a long time. "Do you remember a lot of it or were you blacked out a lot."
"I-I," dammit get the words out. Jed sits next to me on my bed and pulls me into his lap and kisses my head.
"Shh- shh, it's ok. You don't need to talk right now." I don't want too. I feel him nod and Noah walks out. Jed's smells so good. He calms me down. How did six months go by so fast. I was out for most of it. How could I survive not drinking or eating. Maybe I did I just don't remember.

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