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"Ella, I need to tell you something." Ella immediately looks intrigued. She invited me for a sleepover at her house, so I went after training.
"Well, go on. Spill."
"Me and Jed are together. Like girlfriend boyfriend stuff." Her expression changes to excitement.
"I KNEW IT!" I jumped at how loud she got. "He has liked you forever, and you have liked him for, awhile I suspect." It made me think about how he didn't even know he got me through those months I was taken.
"Are you okay? You look sad."
"I'm just thinking about how he got me through the months I was gone." Her face softens.
"Oh, D. Come here." She pulls me into a hug while I sob into her arms. My aunts funeral is next week.
"If you need to talk, I'm always available for you." I can't help but smile.
"Thank you. Let's do something fun."
"Can you show me some of your cool powers." I nod and use my telekinesis to lift her in the air. "Woah! This is cool but do you think you could put me down? It's kind of scary up here." I let out a small laugh.
I show her all I know how to do. After awhile I want to do something else. "Let's make cookies." Ella immediately starts running down the stairs and I follow her.
"Chocolate chip or sugar cookies?" Ella asks holding up two boxes. Both Betty Crocker.
"Definitely chocolate chip." We make the cookie dough and only end up with ten cookies cause we ate a lot of dough.
We start watching a movie, I heard there getting banned soon.
"Ughhh my stomach hurts." Ella sighs.
I'm wondering what it's like for normal people during the "end of the world". "What's it like? You know during the "End"." I use air quotes around end.
"Well, there's no school. So pretty boring. I mean I have friends over a lot, but there's nothing to do. The government is going to start sending out pre packaged food because stores are closing slowly." They really are taking over.
"Better stock up on the cookies." She laughs.
"Oh trust me, I'm telling my mom right away"
"You're my best friend, Ella." I say after a while.
"You my best friend too, Dahlia." My heart warms. Ella is my glue, she filled a spot in my heart. The bestest friend I ever will have.
I say goodbye to Ella and Jed picks me up to bring me back to the base. Which we are in the process of securing better. Saying people have broke in and out more than once for me. I feel like I'm putting everyone in danger.
When we get to base I immediately change and start training alone. I like my alone sessions for certain things I might be embarrassed to do in front of someone. I'm trying to do a cartwheel which I've never been able to do when I hear a voice. It's Noah.
"So this is what you do when you're alone?" I feel my face flush with embarrassment as I fall. Noah reaches his hand out and helps me up. "Jed wants you in the sparring room. He has a surprise for you." Noah winks and i run to the sparring room.
When I get there, there's a girl in the sparring ring. "Lia, you're going to be actually sparring with Claire today." Oh great. I'm kind of nervous, he wouldn't put me in actual danger though. I think.
I nod and take all of my eight daggers that are strapped to me at all times off. I step in the ring.
"Start, Now!" We begin circling around the mat. No power just combat. She makes the first move and tries to sweep me to off my feet. I jump and grab her by her neck and throw her on the ground. She gets up immediately and starts punching. I dodge them all until I don't. She hits me in the jaw as I hit her side. My head snaps to the side acknowledging that she got the better hit.
I recover and see her try to kick me in the side. I grab her leg and twist it. She falls on the ground and I get on the ground and put her in a choke hold but she grabs my arm and twists it. I can tell she's a lot stronger than me with the amount of strength it took her to get me off of her.
She pushed my head into the ground with my arm still twisted in her hand. "Just so you know, I'll always be better than you." What is she talking about? "Tap out."
"No." She shakes her head and pushes my head further into the mat when I flip over and push her off me and begin choking her. "Tap out." I say while smiling down at her. "Unconscious or tapping out. Doesn't really matter to me." She finally taps out and I let go. She pushes me off of her and walks away looking like she wants to kill someone. Well there's an enemy. It's kind of exciting.
"That was great. A bit sloppy but pretty good." I hear Jed say with a laugh.
"What's so funny?"
"Oh, it's hard to make her mad. It's funny to watch." Oh I'm guessing he doesn't like her?
"Want to sleep in my room tonight?" I ask Jed.
"I would love that."

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