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Everything is dark, I'm alone. Until I'm not, my aunt is standing in the distance. I run towards her. She keeps getting farther, never closer. I reach her but she's unconscious. Blood is everywhere. My adopted parents and brother are bundled in a corner together. There scared of something. I walk to them but they disappear, everything disappears. The tanks, the hot and cold tanks are in front of me, I go to the edge but someone pushes me in the hot tank. I'm melting, it hurts.
My eyes fly open and Im falling onto the bed. "You were levitating and glowing." Rose says. The words run through my mind and they would have sounded ridiculous a few months ago but not now. "That has a meaning I remover reading it in an encyclopedia, I have a copy let's go look at it." I nod and follow her to her room. The hallways are dark and for a split second I hear a voice behind me. I look but no one's there.
"Here's the book, let me look for it." We sit there for around 15 minutes until Rose finds the passage in it.
"Here, it says something about being one with the mind." I look at the book and read the passage. One line catches my eye. It says you are one with everything past, present, and future. "It seems cryptic but it also could be literal." Rose says as she sees the line I'm eyeing. "This book is very old, let's go back to sleep and talk to Kyler tomorrow." I nod and we go back to my room.
I don't sleep the rest of the night. I can't.
"What do you think it mean?" I ask, Kyler looks just as puzzled as me. I woke Kyler up at 6 am today, I couldn't stare at the ceiling any longer.
"It could mean a lot of things, this seems cryptic. Like whoever wrote this only wanted certain people to know. I could be wrong."
"So how would we decipher it, I need to know what's going on with me." Kyler look up from the book and our gazes meet for a few seconds.
"I understand, I'm just not sure. I know you blame yourself for everything that's happened but it's not your fault." It is but I don't want pity so I just nod. "You should go train, I will have people look at this."
I have to find Jed, I want to work on physical training first and then mental training with Noah. I see Jed talking to this man who I've seen thrice now. "Jed," I tap on his back as I say it.
He turns around immediately and his eyes meet mine, then they trail my body and go back to my lips. "Yes, are you ok?"
I'm distanced by his eyes tracing my lips when I realize what he said. "Umm yeah I just need help with physical training." He dismisses the man he's talking to and walks me to the training area.
"From now on if you want we can meet up everyday at 8 am - 11 am for physical training," that would be great. I need to get back my muscle I lost and add even more than I had if I'm going to live this life.
"Yeah, I would appreciate that. Would it be too much for you though."
"Nothing with you is too much, it's perfect. Being around you." I blush at his words hoping he doesn't notice.
"We have three hours of hard work ahead of us, let's get started." I say to Jed and he smiles.
By the end of the three hour session I'm drenched in sweat and my whole body aches. "Can't wait for another day." I say sarcastically making Jed laugh. His laugh is perfect, everything about him is perfect.
"I can't wait either, princess." He says it so softly and sweet.
"I'm not a princess." I blurt back jokingly.
"You are to me, darling." My heart skips a beat at his words. He makes me feel special, he makes me feel like it's ok to be me.
"I'm going to take a shower," I say after a long period of silence. He nods and I walk to my room. My phone got lost when I got taken to that death bunker so now I have just the burner phone. I check for any notifications, the phone is simple. It's more of a pager than anything, the only thing I can do is call and text. I can I see a message and click on it.
Unknown: I'm very close. You trust to much, someone you know has betrayed you already.
I don't respond instead I put the phone in my drawer. I've been getting messages like this for awhile, claiming to be my mom. Sick person.
I walk into my bathroom and shut the door when a hand clamps over my mouth and they aim a dagger at my throat. This again, someone's damn hand over my mouth. I use my telekinesis to aim the dagger from inside my boot at the captor as well as there knife. I have 6 daggers strapped to me at all times.
"Woah, Noah didn't tell me you were this far into training, fast learner I guess." My stomach drops when I realize whose voice that is. The daggers drop and I realize it's Rose who cause them to.
I turn around when she loosens her grip but she still has me gripped by my arm. "Rose, what's going on?"
"You know, when they first proposed this idea to me. I said no, but the reward is just so sweet I don't think I can resist it, so I'm bringing you there. This resistance was never going to survive anyway. I know what you had to do when you were gone. Now I'm not going to tell you too much in case you do escape. Your very strong, wasted potential."
"What do you mean? Who's they? Wasted potential?" Roses face softens for a second, but goes back to normal seconds later.
"I can't give you any of that information although I will say, it's not going to be fun for you." I wonder what the reward is for this. Her betrayal feels what I think a stab wound would feel like. The knife slowly being taken out, then your bleeding out. "I'm not sorry but I almost feel bad." She takes a needle and stabs me in the neck with it. My vision starts blurring while I try to run but then everything goes black.

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