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I'm in the shower. I'm only allowed one shower a week. I feel disgusting most of the time.
As I'm getting out I hear a knock on the door.
"Ill be right there. Give me two minutes." I say
I get dressed and brush my hair. I open the door and a man is standing there. "Im here to take you to the government." my stomach drops. That's worse than here.
"Oh, does Micheal know." the man just stares at me and I take it as a no.
"Lets go, now." he drags me out of my room, I'm trying to dig my feet in the ground but I haven't eaten in along time, my energy is depleted. I'm weak. I'm going to try and get into his mind.
I focus, "Let me go, now." He takes his arms off me.
"What are you doing? Don't control me with your mind. They said you wouldn't be able to use your powers."
"Your going to bring me back to my home, and return to the your government base with no memory of taking me home, the only thing you are going to remember is you could not find me." I feel so bad doing this but I want to go home.
He turns and we start walking, the alarm system starts blaring, "ENEMY ON PREMISES". Oh shit. He must have been avoiding cameras on his way in here. Now he doesn't remember. I should've thought about that.
"You're a genius, I mean really. Mind controlling your kidnapper. Too bad you can't do it too any of us." It's micheal. My heart drops to my feet I swear. He directs his attention to the kidnapper. "You know, I would have thought you guys could block out mind abilities at this point. I know Dahlia in specific is very powerful. She's gotten past a lot of our blockers. I feel as though the only reason she's never used her mind abilities on any of us is cause someone would get to her aunt and brother before she got too all of us." He's right, I could have been out of here by now if my family wasn't here. "She cares too much about people. That's her weakness." It is. If I didn't care so much even for random people. I would be fine right now, but I don't regret feeling the way I do.
I hear screaming and shuffling from around the corner. First I see two guards and then my aunt, then my brother and two more guards. There being forced out here. "DAHLIA, oh my god your ok. Wait why are you here?" They don't even know why there here.
"I'm going to help you."
"No your not." Micheal walk over to my Aunt and stabs her in the chest. I scream, a gut wrenching scream. Everyone flies back. They all get pinned against the wall. All of Micheal's knifes pointing at all there faces. Expect my brother who is crying on the floor next to my aunt. I run over and sit in the floor holding my aunts head in my lap.
"Dahlia, my sweet Dahlia."
"You're not dying, I'm going to heal you," I say while choking back tears trying to stay strong for her. I put my hands on her and pull out the knife.
"I'll protect you from up there, I'll always be here."
"You're not dying!"
"It's ok, I'm ready. Please don't cry over my death, continue your life. Be happy. Don't dwell on such silly things."
"You're not silly, I love you." My voice is shaky.
She starts choking and blood comes up her throat. I throw her on her side but she's gone. No, no she's not. I continue trying to bring her back.
"You're using two abilities at once," Micheal says fascinated. I remember their there watching. I sit with my aunt for a bit. I feel like I need to cry, but it doesn't come. All I feel is anger.
"You-," I walk up to him. "-you killed my only parent left, my family."
"You feel too much, you have a weakness. You're making a mistake."
"No, you made a mistake. You made a mistake as soon as you brought my family into this. You are the mistake." I use my mind to find and run his knife down his body threatening to cut. "Should I start here, or here maybe here." He looks scared, for the first time ever. I push the knife into his stomach, and drag it across his stomach forming the letter D. He winces. A reminder. "I'm getting my brother out of here. Don't think for a minute I won't find you again and kill you. Cause I will."
"Not if you don't find me." At that I take all the knifes in the room and plunged them at his hands and feet. Pinning him to the wall. He screeches.
"What you should be saying is "if I don't die now"." I take the knife out of his stomach that I used to carve my initial and fling it into his chest. Just missing the heart. Purposely.
"You will never be good enough to kill me." He just won't shut up. "By the way, I fucked you Auntie while she was here. She loved-," he silences with I take the knife out of his body and he falls to the ground. All the knifes fly at his head. I erased the memory of each guard and let them walk away.
I walk out with my brother. Covered in blood. And not sorry about a single thing that I just did to that man.

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