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I wake up to the sound of banging on the door. I hear Jed groan. "Get up, we have to go." It's Noah on the other side of the door.
"We're coming," he yells then directs his voice to me. "Come on you got to get up," he grabs my clothes and throws them at me.
I stop them mid air and grab them out of the air. I get dressed and Jed and I walk out to where Noah is. "We have to keep moving, let go." I follow Jed and Noah through the Inn and when we reach the bottom it's empty.
"This is really weird." Noah whispers just loud enough for me to hear.
"Something's wro-," I get cut off when I feel a sharp pain in my side. I fall to my knees.
"I told you not to touch her," I feel arms wrap around me and then I pass out.
I feel numb, I don't feel real. I wince when I feel the pain in my side. I know I have a wound so I start healing myself. I open my eyes and see it's completely closed. I also notice the room I'm in. My old bedroom, before my mom died. It's light purple walls with my ditsy pattern comforter. Except it feels wrong. The door swings open and my mom walks in. Then I'm falling.
My eyes fly open and I realize it was a dream. The only thing that was true is my side is wounded, I heal it and look at the room I'm in. It's a prison looking cell but I'm alone.
The cuffs that make my power unusable are chaining me to the wall. Im also very hungry. That's when I notice a sandwich sitting beside me. As well as a cup of water. The water is warm so I think it's been here for a bit and the sandwich is soggy. I'm hungry enough that I just eat it. It tastes of cardboard and mayonnaise.
It's hard to eat because of my chains but I manage. There lose enough to where I could just reach the tray.
I feel like I've been kidnapped too many times. It is not normal for people to have this many attempts on their life. But I'm not normal.
Now it's time to try and get out of here. From what I know my powers are too strong to be contained by these cuffs. I try to use my mind to unlock the cuffs. I fail and fail and fail and-
I did it, there off. Im out of the cuffs but I still have to get out of the cell. I don't see a camera but I'm sure there's one in here. I probably should have thought about that before I undid my chains.
I hear footsteps approaching and immediately run and put the cuffs back on. I will retry when there gone. Except they come into my cell and detach the chains leaving the cuffs on. They bring me down a long hall with lots of doors, maybe other cells. They aren't gentle in fact I'm definitely going to have a few bruises after this.
They didn't say a word until we approached a door at the end of the hall. The door is different than the rest. It's black with serpents painted on. It's feels wrong.
They shove me through the door and I fall to my knees in front of a throne. Whoever's room this is, has to be a stuck up cocky bitch who thinks he rules the world.
I look up and see a handsome man standing next to the throne and a man sitting on the throne. My eyes widen when I realize the man standing next to the throne is the man from the alley. "You're not as strong looking as I thought you would be, you're very scrawny." The man in the throne says. I ignore him and say nothing, I'm guessing is the better thing to do.
"Well I should introduce myself," he pauses for a second. "You may stand up," I realize I'm on the ground still and quickly stand up. "Very good listener, anyway I am the leader of DE, The District of Europe." They found me. "My name is Malik Melgren, this is my son Ace Melgren." My eyes widen at the realization that Ace found me before but didn't take me. Why? "We need you, in our military. We will train you, anything you need. You will not be treated with kindness or respect here, you will be treated like shit. So get used to this." I'm scared. I see Ace standing next to his dad like a dog on a leash.
"I will not fight with you, I do not stand with your morals and never will." I spew out sounding as calm as I can.
"Right, well. Looks like you're going the hard route." I see a man approach me and jab my side with his gun. I double over in pain. "Now if you don't corporate that will happen thousands of times, some other torture methods thrown in as well." I will not fight for them no matter the cost. They won't kill me, I don't think.
"I won't do it." Malik's expression changes from calm to anger. He does a hand signal and I hear a gunshot ring. Then the pain hits. I look down and I've been shot in the leg.
"Don't heal it, if you do you will be in a lot more pain than you are now." I wince at the pain but push through. After my last abduction, pain doesn't affect me as much anymore. It still hurts but my tolerance is building. At this rate I won't feel pain at all next month.
I try to reach for my power, I'm bleeding a lot. I feel lightheaded but I will not allow myself to pass out. "Fuck you." I know it was stupid to say but I couldn't help it.
"Take her to her room, Ace." Ace walks over to me and stands me up. Then he starts dragging me like I'm a parasite.
"Stop dragging me," I'm flailing around his grip.
Ace ignores me and continues down the hall all the way to my room. We get there and he opens the door and walks in with me.
"Just do it." Ace says with a stern tone.
"Do what? Fight on your side?" Ace nods. "Because I will not fight for something I don't believe in. Where am I anyway?" Ace looks down for a second then back up at me.
"You're in Trier, Germany. You slept through the entire flight."
"What is today's date?"
"It is May 8th, 2091." Last time I knew it was May 3rd, so it hasn't been too long.
Ace turns to leave. "Wait." I say quickly. Ace stops and turns around. "Do you want what your father wants?"
"I don't know."

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