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If I'm being honest, I'm terrified. The largest object I've lifted is a milk jug, and I've only learned a little earth manipulation. The only thing I'm good at is mind reading. I know I have mind control but I haven't figured that out yet.
But I have Jed, and he's really strong so hopefully he will protect me if need be.
"Time to go, I have the location just follow me." They gave us clothes with spots for weapons, I practiced with a Gun a few times. I'm not very good but I try.
"Are you scared?" He shakes his head.
"I've done a lot of this kind of thing, you get used to it." He has been doing this awhile, I'm not sure exactly.
Once we arrive at the location, I see the place looks normal, a normal office building.
Jed puts a hand over my mouth. I realize someone is around the corner, with two people. There's these cuffs around there arms and there glowing. Kyler told me those deactivate power.
Jed grabs my hand and leads me to another locations so we can discuss what we're going to do. "I need you to be a distraction." I nod
"How should I do it?"
"Run and make sure they see you, don't let them hurt you. I will try to not let them but I can't promise anything, I have to get the hostages to a safe place. I will meet back up with you at headquarters at 6:00," I look at the time and it's 4:58. "If you are not there by then I'm going to assume you're hurt or worse, if I'm not back assume the same."
"Ok, 6:00." I nod and turn to run when Jed grabs my arm and twists me around.
"Please don't get hurt." I nod and start running, slowly.
Once I know they see me, one starts following me. He's way faster than me, I feel an arm grab my shoulder and turn me towards them. I see a man. He drags me against a wall.
"Sit, now. I'm going to have to kill you since you saw all that. And my face." This is the end, how did he catch me so easy. I'm so dumb.
"No you don't, no one has to get hurt. I won't tell anyone."
"I'm not feeling generous today, so I'm going to make this slow." That scares me even more. I get in his mind and suddenly feel sad, he must be really sad. His whole family got killed in front of him.
"Why do you do this to people, is it cause of your family," I say hesitantly. He immediately picks me up by the throat and pushes me against the wall.
"How do you know that?"
"A guess," I choke out. He takes the gun and shoots me in the leg. Slow, he's going to slowly put bullets all over me. I think I'm in shock cause I feel nothing. Until I do, the pain hits hard and fast. He shoots me in the same leg again, a different spot. I feel the warm blood running down my leg.
All of a sudden I hear screaming. I use the energy I have left to open up my eyes. I see the man shoved against the wall opposite me. The gun slowly rising off the ground to point at him. I realize it's me and I drop him and the gun. I don't think he knows it was me.
"Was that you? I'm going to kill toy quick you freak." I guess he does.
Suddenly blood comes out of every hole I can see on him, his eyes, ears, mouth, and nose. He starts choking on his blood and I realize, it's me. My powers are taking over. I'm scared, I fall on the ground and crawl to the man.
He's gone. I killed someone, they should have never let me on this mission.

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