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"Noah! You're frustrating me." For the last thirty minutes, Noah has been chewing his gum very loudly. I may be overreacting but I've asked him to stop a million times.
"Ok, ok I'll stop this time. Focus on the target." I've been trying to throw a dagger with my telekinesis. I've been working on a lot of telekinesis and illusions. Illusions fall into the reality-warping category. I've gotten five bullseyes in fifteen minutes so far. And just got another.
"YESS! See what happens when you stop that annoying shit." I exclaim while he smirks.
"Yeah, but you're going to have a lot more distractions on the battlefield so better get used to it." Ugh, he's right. It will be way worse. "Don't worry, I won't let you out there unless you are ready." I nod and I hug him. I love hugs, they make me feel safe.
"He releases a bit and leans back but is still holding me. "You can do this. I have to talk to you about something." He pauses for a bit with a worried look on his face. "You know how the war that's starting is because everyone wants you," I roll my eyes and nod eagerly, "well the person leading the army on the other side. He's not as powerful as you but he's pretty powerful a close second. But he has way more training so he's better at control meaning he could overpower you."
"Okay, anything else." He's being weird about this, it's not that surprising. I didn't think I was the only one with a lot of power.
"Right sorry, I'm the point is, we have to relocate you. Or he might get you, and that would be bad. He's not a good person and I don't want you going through even more." I would do anything for my friends even if it includes hurting myself in the process.
"Noah, it's okay. If you need me to fight I will, but I will not hide. I will not allow you guys to fight a war that I caused alone. I'm not that kind of person. I can't just stand around and watch you guys die."
"You have a lot of faith in us don't you." His attempt at humor has me smiling.
"As always. Now let's train and talk later. Since we need this. But before we do, what is this mysterious man's name."
"Ace Melgren," Noah looks upset.
"Let's train."
"Dahlia, we are expecting them to be here in a few days at least two weeks at most." I'm scared but I can't say that.
"By them, I'm guessing you mean Ace and his army," I say under my breath.
"Yeah, listen if you don't want to fi-," I cut Kyler off.
"I'm fighting, I'm going to contribute to a war I caused." Kyler swallows and then nods. I see Jed walk into the room and he walks over to me.
I turn to see him very close. "Jed, I'm scared."
"I know, I am too. I don't want you doing this."
"Can everyone just stop coddling me? Please, how hard is it to ask of that?" Jed looks at me with sorrow.
"I know, I'm sorry. I don't want you hurt is all. It is your decision if you want to fight or not." That's what Everyone has been saying as if I'm weak or something. I am weak that's why.
"It's fine, I'm tired I'm going to go to bed." Jed follows me for a while before speaking.
"I don't think you're weak."
"How do you know that I was thinking that? Did you read my fucking mind!?" Jed looks embarrassed.
"Yes, but I didn't mean to invade any of your privacy. I was just curious." I can't believe him.
"Do you not trust me or something?" I yell.
"Of course I trust you." He comes closer gripping my waist. I look up at him with tears in my eyes. "I trust you more than anyone I've ever known."
"I'm tired, please let me go." He lets me go and says goodnight. As soon as I get into my room I start crying. Everything that has happened to me is coming back. It's all overwhelming.
My aunt didn't deserve to die. I didn't deserve to be treated that way by multiple people. All I'll ever be is a test subject.
I hear a frantic knock on the door. I open the door and see Kyler. "Follow me." I nod and follow him to his room. "There close, so I'm going to give you a history lesson on the District of Europe." District of Europe?
"What's that? I've never heard of that." I say
"Right, The District of Europe or the DE. It's a government organization. Ace Melgren is the heir but he was born with abilities, a lot like yours. Ace is really powerful and his dad uses him for a lot of different things." I walk over and sit on his bed, my legs hurt from training today. "We know his father is after you, but his father is very ill and we think Ace is going to be the Leader real soon. Once that happens." he stops speaking.
"What do you think will happen?" It's scary to think about, but maybe the world needs to end. If that's what It comes to.
"The world will end." Kyler sits on the bed next to me.
"Because of me." it's not a question because this is my fault.
"No, it's not. It's the people who decide it is ok to objectify a person. You are a weapon, you are an amazing, beautiful, and badass woman. You don't deserve all of this. They would have gotten to you eventually whether or not I put you into the resistance or not. Do you blame me?"
"Oh my god no. When I was with Roger he said that he was going to do this regardless when I turned eighteen. The difference is I would have been completely defenseless. So I thank you not blame you."
"I'll walk you to your room."

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