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I finally get to go back to school and training. I was sleeping for a week and left to recover for another week. Ella has been texting non stop and factiming me. I love it. My cover story is I had a seizure and they have no clue whats wrong with me.
They said I could be pulled out of school without my aunt finding out but I love school, now.
Ella runs out of her house and hugs me. "I missed you so much."
"I missed you too." Ella drapes her arm around me should and I do the same, we walk together and get in her car.
I wear a ring that siphons my power during school, since I can't control it, its very dangerous, or so they say, The only thing that happened with the hospital. No other signs.
"Thats rings pretty, its perfect for you."
I nod and continue walking, when I hear Ella speak. I didn't hear it completely.
"Huh, what did you say?" she looks confused.
"Nothing?" must have been someone talking in the hallway.
I got told I can't talk about this whole thing with anyone, including Jed anywhere but in headquarters and missions. I won't be going on missions until I figure out my issues.
I still have no clue what those are. I'm looking forward to training tonight. It's been 2 weeks since I started training, with Jed. Ugh. It's not too bad just awkward.
We don't talk during school, at all. Jed says it's best that way, not like I like him anyway.
The resistance is getting me a car, I don't know how that's discreet but they said they have it figured out. Until then, I walk there. I have this invisibility device, it helps me get there without being seen, I'm guessing it will also make the car invisible, when I get it. Maybe.
I make it into the headquarters and ready to hear the results in the multiple test they ran on me. They had to put me to sleep for them because they needed bone marrow, bone fragments, skin samples, all this other crap I don't understand.
They know I have a healing ability, I healed almost immediately after my bone marrow biopsy thing. They did x-rays, CT scans, and MRI's.
"Let's go over your results," I nod and he continues. "The abilities we know you have are telekinesis, healing, telepathy, reality warping, and earth, water, and light manipulation. The abilities you might have are omnikenesis, teleportation, super speed, invisibility, invulnerability, and the list goes on. You could be the most powerful being in the world." I don't know what half the abilities mean, but I'll look them up later.
"Thats, that's a lot." I'm to stunned to really say anything else. I'm not powerful, I'm a nobody.
"I've never seen anything like it before, anyway you need to get to training, you're doing just fine in combat so now we are going to do some ability stuff." Sounds fun.
As soon as I walk into the ability training center, my jaw drops. It's a large gorgeous interior. It's dark but bright.
"You ready? Dahlia right?" I turn around to the voice and see a handsome man who can't be much older than me staring at me. He has black hair, dark eyes with a chiseled jawline and tan skin.
"Yes and yes. So what am I working on today?"
"Well, we're going to try and trigger your powers today, have you felt different since you took the bracelet off."
"I have this ring on, should I take it off." He nods so I do. As soon as I take the ring off I feel a rush of something taking over me. "Well, I just felt like a rush of something come over me I'm not sure if that has anything to do with anything." I'm pretty sure it does by his face.
"Ok, let's start with telepathy, try to get into my mind and read it."
"You're not scared I'm going to find something you don't want me to know."
"It's my job, focus. Eventually you'll be able to do it without even having to focus. It will be super easy. Look for an opening in my mind."
I don't understand what he means until I feel something, I feel a wall, I push through it.
"Your name is Noah, you're 22, you joined the resistance at 15, your parents died when you were a baby. You were in foster care from the age of 3 - 14 till you ran away. And it was all with your sister," It all just came to me. I go to look for more but find the wall shut. I can't get in. I push and push. I can't get in.
"You found what I wanted, keep pushing to get back in, for it being your first time. You did better than anyone I've ever taught." I'm focusing on pushing in the wall, I can't get in. I give up.
"What's next? Can we do like telekinesis, it sounds cool." Moving stuff with my mind sounds great, I won't have to get up to turn my light off or anything.
"Sure, we will work on that another time." He leads me to a small room. It's a plain white room. Way different than the main room. "I'm going to grab supplies and I'll be back."
I wait a few minutes and he comes back with objects that are small and ones that are big.
"How are you carrying all that." I'm genuinely curious
"I have super strength. Anyway, start with the paperclip. Imagine picking it up, eventually you won't have to come again, just the basic training."
He leaves to let me concentrate and I sit there for a good 3 hours without any progress when Kyler walks in the room.
"Any progress, I heard you got into Noah's head, very impressive. Although I did think you would be able to get past his wall." He gives me a funny look and I start laughing.
"I'd like to see you do it, anyway I haven't been able to move this stupid paperclip. Telekinesis is hard. What powers do you have?" He looks at the paperclip and laughs. Laughs.
"Why are you laughing? Are you laughing at me?" I give him a sad look.
"Yes, yes I am. Telekinesis is hard, it's just funny that Noah gave you that paperclip." I give him a confused look. "The paperclip can not be lifted by the mind, it's the paperclip of a scientific test, he did it to mess with you. That's probably why he left." I just wasted 3 hours on some joke.
"Well, it's getting late and I'm sick of you guys so I'm going home. Tell Noah to watch out, I can beat him without powers." Kyler nods and walks me out to the main room, where a girl my age stands with Noah. Noah.
"Why did you give me the paperclip." Noah starts laughing uncontrollably. "It's not funny, that's valuable training time you wasted."
"It might be but it's funny." The girl glares at Noah.
"Hi, my names Rosemary." I wish I had a name like that. "Your Dahlia, right?" Rosemary looks very similar to Noah, her skin is a bit warmer and her hair is a bit lighter.
"Yes, you're very pretty." She smiles and I feel good that I made someone happy.
"I could say the same thing about you, don't worry about Noah. He's my brother, I'll beat him up for you. It's not that hard to." I laugh and she joins in while Noah scowls at her.
"Whatever Rose. I'm sorry Dahlia. I'll make it up to you with a kiss." My eyes go wide. What did he just say?
"I'm joking, if you're joking that is." Rosemary glares at Noah once again but this time the looks a bit different.
"You best be," I wink at him.
"I think I'm in love." Noah says.
"Oh stop, you're not in love with my future best friend." Best friend with another person, I'd love that. I smile at her and say goodbye until tomorrow.

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