Just A Friend

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Hi guys! Long time no update lol. I hope you're all doing well! Before you get into the chapter, I want to announce that this may or may not be that last chapter I write of this book (the original The College Years), reason being that I cannot write about these two anymore. They make me SICKKKKK now lol. The magic is gone for me to the point of where when I was writing and editing this (this chapter was written over the past few years), my soul felt like it was exiting my body. I feel nothing when writing these two now lol which is unfortunate but explains why this chapter has taken so long. So I might just write out what was going to happen in this book and post it in paragraph form or I might just make very short chapters with the important events, so that you can still get the story. I haven't decided what to do yet, but it's looking like these are the two options.

I will continue to write the sequel (Coronavirus Shorts), but it will move away from Nicki and Meek and focus on some other characters, however Nicki and Meek will still likely be mentioned and make appearances. I've been having fun writing about Kuna (one of Nicki and Sherika's neighbors in the sorority house) and Trey (one of players on the basketball team) and will start posting those chapters soon after I post another Nicki/Meek chapter for that book that was already written. With that said, I really wanted to get this chapter out because there is an important scene for the Trey/Kuna storyline that I wanted out before I properly introduce the two in the other book.

Also, when I pasted this chapter in the Wattpad app from Google Docs, I made all of the italicized/bolded text changes and now I see they're all gone as I type this and I refuse to go back and do it again, so I apologize for this maybe being a little harder to read than usual (I still cannot with glitchiness of this app after all these years lol).

Anyway, enjoy! It's a fluff chapter, 21k+ words. Don't forget to comment - I'll be responding to mostly everything!


Posted: 7:52am, November 9
Tags: Omeeka, Nicki M., Meek W., Shomelly, Kuna J., Deen B.

Good Morning, Assholes. Imagine my surprise when I woke up to a Bull Alert that all morning classes have been canceled due to the damage Georgina left on our campus. I can't say I'm surprised. Just last night a large tree fell by the rugby townhouses, but luckily no one was around to get hurt (did it make a sound?). There are also reports of campus road floodings and power outages on the west side of campus.

Basically, you couldn't pay me to go outside today, but what Georgina has left behind isn't the only reason. It turns out that we may have a new virus going around our campus...or people are just getting really sick after attending Governor's Ball. One of my dearest spies will have to be off-duty this week with a case of some sort of flu-like virus and apparently the nurse that she saw said that the student health center has been buzzing with students this past weekend all reporting similar symptoms after attending Governor's Ball Friday night. Ugh. Didn't we just get through microvirus not too long ago?? Why are you all still so carelessly passing around your germs? I swear if I catch anything I'll go on a rampage and you all should know by now that is not a good thing. So here are some reminders if you find yourself feeling under the weather:

1 Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing
2 Wash your hands frequently with soap and water
3 If you don't feel well stay in your room
4 Stay the hell away from me!

But moving on, I'm sure you're all waiting for some Sunday spottings. Well, most of you seemed to have stayed indoors yesterday during the storm, but my spies did manage to catch some of our favorite couples out and about braving the storm. Coincidentally, we saw Omeeka at the student health center all cuddled up in one of the waiting room chairs. We aren't completely sure which was the sick one, but our bet is on Nicki M. who looked to have been happy to be in the strong arms of her man, Meek W.. While we love an Omeeka spotting, especially after our little mysterious girl in the orange dress faux pas on the night of the Ball, we didn't expect their first spotting to be at the health center. We hope that Cookie gets well soon!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 14 ⏰

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