About Last Night (Part 1)

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The Knew Your Times

posted 8:55am, September 9
Tags: Safaree S., Omelly, Tak, Nicki M., Zashia S., Onikafaree, Sherika, Thembi, Fah

Good morning party people, my spies and I have had a little bit of a late start this morning and just for the record, jumping jacks and grapefruit juice DO NOT help to cure hangovers! We think that we're just going to stick to chugging lots of water, coffee, and a couple of aspirin. How many of you had an 8am this morning and decided to skip the first class of the semester because that headache was oh too bad? Well, if this was you make sure you remember to use those excused absences wisely- professors only give us so many a semester ;)

Now, about last night, my spies and I have a few juicy stories to share. The first, leaves us a little bit confused? Junior Phi Delta member, Safaree S. was spotted outside of basketball players, Omelly and Tak's on-campus party getting cosy with a girl that was NOT Delta Alpha Kappa member, Nicki M.??! Yes, my loyal readers this is true, but we unfortunately have no idea what's  going on...yet. Scaffbreezy was apparently cuddled up with sophomore, Zashia S.. When did these two meet? Is our Onikafaree over? It looks like it, but we're hoping for some sort of explanation, because we're feeling a little sad.

You may be wondering where Nicki M. was while (her) man was cuddled up with someone else. Well, the pretty in pink Delta Alpha Kappa girls were seen inside of the party, and it seems that Cookie was involved in what some of my spies describe as a brief altercation with an un recognizable hottie? For now, we'll just call him Tall Dark And Handsome. It seems that the altercation started when Mr. Tall Dark And Handsome accidentally bumped in to Cookie, sending her drink flying to the floor. My spies say that Cookie did not look happy and the two shared some words before Cookie and her gal pals, Sherika and Thembi were seen hastily exiting the party early. We wonder what words were shared between Cookie and the mystery man. Who is he? If anyone knows, make sure to submit his name to us!

Our third story focuses on the head of the Delta Alpha Kappa house, who was a complete drunken mess. That's right, the Queen B herself, Fah was spotted taking back shots of vodka with the hosts of the poppin' party, Tak and Omelly before she was seen being helped back to the Delta Alpha Kappa house by a few of her sober pledges. Hmm, we guess you could say Queen B had a good time. We wonder if she's one of the ones who will be skipping their 8am class today.

That's all that I have for you this morning, as those were the juiciest tales I received from last night. Are there any parties tonight? It is only syllabus week so hopefully some will be announced as the day progresses. Until then, we hope that you'll be on your best behavior ;)

P.s.- Does anyone know where Freckles got her shoes that she was wearing last night? I'm dying to know!

- The Knew Your Times

Nicki slammed her laptop closed and let out a frustrated breath as her fan, set on high, blew cool air on to her face. She had already gotten ready for her first class of the semester, settling for a coral pink strapless maxi dress and nude sandals. Her long black hair, she decided to keep curly since the heat and humidity would probably revert it back to its natural state if she decided to re straighten it for the day. She had applied her usual makeup to her face, foundation, powder, blush, lipgloss, winged eyeliner, and mascara before sitting on her bed as she waited for the right time to leave for her first class. While waiting, Nicki decided to check The Knew Your Times, hoping that she hadn't made it on the site with her more than eventful night. She was wrong.

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