The Audition

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Hellooo everyone! Because this chapter is so long (maybe one of the longest I've done?), I hope that you take your time reading it. I actually really like this chapter and how it turned out. There are some moments/scenes in this chapter that I'm sure that you all will appreciate and love.

Note: From now on, the chapter breakdowns will be written AFTER I post the actual chapters, and I will let you know when they're available to read.

Let me stop talking though, enjoy!



posted: 8:00am, November 5
Tags: Meek W., Omelly P., Nicki M.Sherika, Safaree S., Fah R., Bitch Delta

Good morning, my little assholes and happy Thursday. Are you all aware that Thanksgiving is less than three weeks away?! I can feel my food baby growing now. I can also feel my massive hangover after last night's big win, AND I can feel myself feeling extremely petty over the shenanigans that went on in our beautiful arena. I'm sure if you went to our D1 basketball team's first game of the season last night, you know exactly what I'm talking about. But we'll get there soon. First, let's take a second to congratulate our basketball team on beating White Plains University with a score of 50 to 36! And let's also congratulate them on looking so handsome and doable while doing it. No Shave November is treating you boys so so well...but let me stop before I get in trouble with Freckles, Cookie, and Maya!

The Bulls were on fire last night! So on fire that they had a steady lead on WPU before the first halve of the game was even halfway over. Who did my spies and I have our eyes on? Number 8 and number 3, or rather, Meek W. and Omelly P.! Did you guys know that these two are cousins? Well, they are, and this handsome cousin duo definitely stole the show last night and we at TKYT are very impressed! Not a bad way to start the season boys!

Mr. Tall Dark And Handsome didn't only have his eyes on the ball last night. I'm sure that a good majority of you saw that cute little PDA moment between him and his girlfriend, Nicki M. a little before the game started. It began when Cookie successfully grabbed her beau's attention on the court after he and the team seemed to be distracted by some...foolish behavior going on. A spy that had a better view of the Delta Alpha Kappa cutie than I did told me that Cookie called out her Mr. Tall Dark And Handsome's name and when he caught her eye, she threw him a little wave before flashing him a big smile which received a laugh from her man. After pointing to those dimples, Cookie proudly showed off her beau's jersey that she was sporting last night, reminding him that she has her 'eyes on number 8' as she so cutely stated in the Instagram photo of herself in her boo's jersey posted shortly before the game. This post was a part of the influx of Instagram posts shared by the Delta Alpha Kappa girls showing their support for the team under the hashtag '#DeltaAlphaKappaForOYUBulls'. All we can say about this cute Omeeka display is awwww, before saying another awwww when think about how we're pretty sure that Cookie's cheeks turned just as pink as the Delta Alpha Kappa snapbacks the sorority was wearing when the two ended their little show with exchanging air kisses from across the court. AWWWW, and you guys know what turned my AWWWW into a HAHAHA? Well, did anyone see Cookie's ex, Safaree S. during this cute display? He and his petty brothers (I'll get to this story soon), were sitting on the other side of the court, and the Cookie Monster looked absolutely salty that his once Cookie was sharing her sugary goodness with someone else. It seems that the Cookie Monster no longer needs to keep track of his glucose levels, but now needs to watch his sodium intake. All that salt can't be good for your health.

The very mention of the Cookie Monster and high sodium levels brings me to my biggest story from last night. I know that I have called out the Phi Delta fraternity quite recently, but it seems that they just love to keep the negative attention coming. What did the Phi Delta fraternity do last night to owe them the ass ripping that I'm about to give them? Well, they showed up in support of the other team! While we were all showing our school spirit and support for the D1 basketball team by wearing green and white, the Phi Delta fraternity showed up in the school colors of our opposition: blue and white. Even the Queen B herself, Fah R. was able to pull her head out of her ass long enough and have her and her girls show up in the appropriate colors to support our team, but it seems that their brother fraternity was not able to show the same spirit. Not only did they show up in White Plains University colors, they also had the audacity to root for the team when they came out onto the court and whenever they would shoot a basket- well, until they began losing. Badly. The fraternity was also the reason for that loud chanting war that happened before the teams came out- they started the 'WPU' craziness that was quickly shut down by Delta Alpha Kappa's very own, Sherika, who began chanting 'OYU' right back. Some of you may understand that this spectacle wasn't cool, but I am not sure that you understand by exactly how much. Those of you who are new to the school may not know why the hate between OYU and WPU is so strong. Besides the university's being in close proximity to each other, we mostly go head to head with WPU in almost everything when it comes to who is the better school in our area.

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