Save The Tatas (Part 1)

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SURPRISE!!! 🎉🎉 NO ONE asked me about the sex scene last update and I swear it rejuvenated my soul, so much that I felt extra inspired to write this (someone sent me their study guide and saved me from dying so, I had time to write), and surprise you guys and drop it on you early lol.
I want to thank Njb1101 for the inspiration of having this Amber character. When this chapter was flowing around in the back of my mind in October, I was initially going to have Fah be the 'villainess', but the chapter CDW: TGIFah ended differently than what I initially planned, and it wouldn't have made sense to keep it the way that it played out in my head. So, instead, Amber needed to be born, because I couldn't drop the idea for this chapter, as it is an important one. Amber's personality came completely out of my head and my ass lmao and I wanted her to be different than any character I've written so far. **THERE WILL BE THREE PARTS TO 'SAVE THE TATAS'.**THIS IS THE FIRST TIME IN A LONG TIME THAT I'VE SPLIT A DAY UP INTO MORE THAN ONE CHAPTER (this just ended up being really fucking long so I had to split it up lol) So, with that, enjoy and make sure you do the blind item 'game' in the TKYT post, it's easy and it was fun to write lol ; ) Also, someone a while ago told me that it was their birthday today and I think it was kaayyleeeigh ? If it is, happy birthday here's your gift and if not, don't kill me, I rarely know what day it is half of the time. I tried lol (whoever's bday it is happy bday) 0:)


The Knew Your Times

posted: 8:00am, October 16
Tags: none

Good morning readers and happy Friday! We made it through another week (even though it was only three days)! I am currently in the best of moods. Why? Because tonight is the Delta Alpha Kappa dance fundraiser for breast cancer awareness month! While this isn't the Delta Alpha Kappa house party that I've been waiting for, I am excited nonetheless. If you are planning to attend (which I know that you are), don't forget to wear something pink and to bring $5 for the admissions fee! Once again, doors open at 8 and close at 11. Lastly, all proceeds will go to the American Breast Cancer Foundation!

Now, I realized that I haven't given you a blind item topic in a long time. And in true #FBF or #FlashbackFriday fashion, I decided to check my records which showed that last April was my last blind item post, and that just doesn't sit well with me. We at TKYT love blind items, as we've realized that it's a great way to interact with you loyal assholes. If you're new here and don't know what a blind item is, it's basically like a fun game of guess who. I provide you information and you guess whom and/or what I'm talking about. I like to think of it as a more interactive way to spill tea, PLUS, when you guys guess incorrectly with the information that I've provided in my clues, it allows for more tea to be spilled. Why? Well, if you guess the wrong people, there must have been something in my clues that made you think of another person or a situation that I, or my spies may not know about YET. We love that. But enough talking, let's get started, shall we?

Disclaimer: Today's blind item was brought to me by one of my spies who has just been diagnosed with Microvirus. I had her email me her piece of info, because I'm not trying to catch that viral form of cockblock or adhere to the necessary sobriety that comes with it.

This student is very much in the doghouse with their once or current significant other. Some were once skeptical about their seemingly out-of-the-Blue relationship this semester, but have concluded over time that a 'couple' was the correct way to refer to them. They spent a lot of time together and seemed truly happy with their new found relationship for awhile. So happy that we were even able to give them a couple's name. So, what went wrong?

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