Green Bull Madness

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This is another extra long one, since I was told that you guys like them and I'd hate to split the chapters up anyway lol. Green Bull Madness btw, is loosely based off a school event that my college has every year for the women and men's basketball teams. Enjoy! :)

The Knew Your Times

posted: 7:53am, September 15
Tags: none

Good morning fellow Bulls! I know that it's a Monday, and more specifically, the first Monday after syllabus week, but we have to look on the bright side- or rather, the green side! Because tonight is Green Bull Madness!!! And as one of my favorite nights of the year, I expect to see you all there showing your school spirit in your green gear and green face/body paint!

The last time to purchase your tickets is tonight at 7:00pm in the student center! The event officially begins at 8:00pm, so make sure to get there early to beat the line and get a good seat! The men and women's teams will also be giving out free Green Bull Madness t-shirts throughout the event! As you can already guess, my spies and I will be there bright and early to grab good seats! We hope to see you there!

P.s.- As (almost) always, we hope that you be on your best behavior ;)

- The Knew Your Times

Nicki tore her dark eyes away from the blonde ponytail on the back of her professor's head and looked up at that clock for the umpteenth time since 8:00 and sighed in relief when she saw that there was only ten minutes left of the course. Her eyes shifted to the table across from hers where Zashia was taking notes from the whiteboard. Nicki still didn't know why she saw Zashia at the Bid Day ceremony yesterday, or why she was wearing a Bid Day t-shirt, but she also had no intention of asking her.

Suddenly, as if Zashia could feel her staring, she turned her head towards Nicki and smiled. Nicki felt the corners of her lips curl into something that resembled more of a wince before turning to her notes once again. Nicki's thoughts moved to Meek and their conversation last night before she fell asleep in the middle of their conversation again. Nicki was telling Meek about how sushi wasn't bad once you tried it, but he wasn't hearing any of it. Nicki grinned at his stubbornness before she felt her phone vibrate in the pocket of the pink cotton high waisted shorts she was wearing. She slid her phone out of her pocket and looked down at her screen under the table. When Nick saw that it was text message from Meek, she smiled.

Rihmeek Williams: You wanna meet for the project today?

Nicki moved her fingers over her screen as she looked at the clock seeing that only five minutes remained in the course, 'Yeah, I'm free after this class I'm in right now'. Nicki stared at her message as it appeared as read before a response from Meek appeared beneath it.

Rihmeek Williams: Ard I got practice from 11-3 today and then I gotta be back at the athletic center at 6 to prepare for the Green Bull Madness event, so 3:30 at my apartment?

Nicki began typing, 'Sounds good'

Rihmeek Williams: Ard I'll see you later, Nic. Have a good day :)

Nicki smiled at her screen before typing, 'Thank you :) I'll see you later and good luck at practice'

Rihmeek Williams: Thank you :)

Nicki locked her phone and looked up just in time to see her professor turn away from the whiteboard to face the class, "I'm going to let you guys go a little early today. I was going to assign you homework, but I know that Green Bull Madness is tonight and that none of you are going to do the work until night before our next class, so I'm letting you off the hook." he said with a smile, "But make sure to look over the chapter in your textbooks and to look over your notes before next class. Have a good day," he finished before he began gathering his things.

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