What's Good For Tonight? (Part 2)

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Nicki followed the rest of the Delta Alpha Kappa girls up the front steps of the Phi Delta house. She felt a little awkward seeing some of the Phi Delta men who she wasn't sure if she was still cool with since breaking up with Safaree, smoking outside of the large light blue fraternity house. It was dark out, but Nicki could still see their eyes on her and her sorority sisters who were all dressed in tight pink dresses and heels.

"Safaree isn't over there right?" whispered Nicki to Sherika and Thembi who were walking on either side of her.

"Girl, if you don't relax!" exclaimed Sherika looking ahead.

"He ain't over there," responded Thembi, "He's probably inside. Just relax, it'll be fine," she said rubbing Nicki's back for reassurance.

Nicki took a deep breath trying to calm her nerves as she watched Fah bang on the front door. Kimberly and Dameka were standing on either side of her with crossed arms. The door soon opened to reveal one of Safaree's fraternity brothers that Nicki recognized, but couldn't name, "Finally, y'all are here," he said stepping back to let the pack of girls in. As Nicki passed by him, his face remained expressionless as he looked at her. Nicki looked away and hurried to catch up with Sherika and Thembi.

The house was packed as students occupied the grand staircase and the foyer of the house with drinks in their hands. Music was blaring from the speakers near the front door and the smell of alcohol and cigarette smoke filled the air of the dimly lit house. The interior of the Phi Delta house was identical to the Delta Alpha Kappa house besides the color scheme that was used. The Delta Alpha Kappa house was mostly white, while the Phi Delta house was mostly decorated with pale blue. Fah lead the girls in front of the living area that was to the left of the grand staircase before turning around.

"Have fun and follow the rules," said Fah over the music as she glared at Nicki, Thembi, and Sherika.

Sherika rolled her eyes, "Says the one who had to be carried out of the Tak and Omelly's apartment last night. What is that? Misconduct? Rule number-" she started but was interrupted by an angry Fah.

"Shut up Sherika, you and your little friends are already on thin ice!" Fah spat eyeing Nicki and Thembi.

"Whatever," responded Sherika crossing her arms as the rest of Delta Alpha Kappa girls dispersed. Fah and Dameka disappeared amongst the crowd and only Kimberly remained.

"I heard that Meek is going to be here tonight, so I expect y'all to do what you promised," said Kimberly before disappearing to find Fah and Dameka.

"Yeah, yeah," said Sherika with an eye roll, "Christian Mingle at your service,"

"I still have yet to see this Meek nigga," said Thembi turning to Nicki and Sherika.

"Ooo," started Sherika bumping Nicki with her hip, "I met his fine ass today. He was giving Nicki the eye,"

Nicki glared at Sherika, "He was not. Sherika if you don't shut up!" she threatened feeling her embarrassment from this afternoon return.

"What ya tiny ass gonna do to me?" responded Sherika grinning at Nicki with her arms still crossed.

"Why you blushing, Nic?" asked Thembi smiling as she looked at Nicki's red face, "Do you like him?"

Nicki's dark eyes moved to Thembi, "No! I just met him! He's my partner for a project for one of my classes. He came over to the house today to go over the assignment with me,"

"And Nicki was all moaning his name like, Rihhh-meekkkk, Rihhhh-meeek." exaggerated Sherika as she began to fan her face with her hand teasingly, "She was wearing those tiny ass shorts she got from Victoria's Secret and her titties was all coming out of her tank top," she laughed with Thembi.

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