Halloweekend: Like Rabbits

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Hello! 👋🏾 You guys, this chapter is the longest chapter yet with 34,491 words 😩. I hope that you enjoy and don't just skip to the scene that I know you've been waiting for. To ensure that, I made sure not to put the scene at the end of the chapter so that its hard to find 😋😋😋

Thanks for the laughs last night at your comments for the 'Book Cancellation' post. I literally cackled 😈Anyway, enjoy 😁😁😁

posted: 8:23am, October 31
Tags: Nicki M., Sherika, Thembi, Candi, Shomelly, Omelly, Dicksass, Corey D., Omeeka, Meek W., Fah R., Zashia S., Onikafaree

On the second night of Halloweekend, my true love sent to meeeeee:

Twelve petty ball players,
Eleven or twelve patron shots
Ten bitches without costumes
Nine drunken "I love you's"
Eight ugly costumes
Seven Queen B spottings
Six not with her boo thing
Five fucks I didn't giveeeeeee
Four Ninja Turtles
Three Jell-O shots
Two many angry Brothers
And a loser with a fat lip

Happy Halloween my little assholes! I'm writing this to you with a few steaming cups of tea in my hands waiting to be spilled and a beautifully grown forest ready to be thrown. What a night, Bulls, what a fucking night! I hope that you enjoyed my rendition of the 12 Days of Christmas! I meant to end it with 'And a hangover that just won't quit,' but I thought that I'd start planting some of the trees that make up the forest I'm about to throw a little early. I'm not sure where to begin so, I'm just going to go for the punch. HA! Get it? Okay, let's get started.

I want to say that the vast majority of you did take my threats seriously, and did show up to the Phi Delta house dressed in costume. I actually had a couple of my spies remain by the front doors to catch those ten bold losers who decided to ignore my threats and attend the fraternity party in their normal, ugly clothing. Well, my spies took down those ten student names and come Monday, or Tuesday (that snowstorm looks like it's going to be pretty bad), the #DontBeDennisTheMenace embarrassment games will begin. Can't say I didn't warn ya!

Moving on, let's talk about my favorite costume quartet of the night. Did anyone see Delta Alpha Kappa's very own, Nicki M., Sherika, Thembi, and Candi dressed up as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?! They went all out and their costumes were superb! My spies and I were feeling the green skin and green wigs! Kudos, girls, that's exactly what we at TKYT like to see on Halloweekend!

Before we get to the BIG story of night, which I'm sure you've been checking your phones since last night to read about (I got some dick last night, sorry!), let's get into some couple spottings! I caught Shomelly being extra affectionate last night as my spies later caught them kissing (most) of their night away in the foyer. And one of my spies, the one who gave me that eleventh or twelfth patron shot, swears that she heard basketball MVP, Omelly drunkenly slur an 'I love you' to Freckles before she kissed his fucking face off. How cute. See, it's times like these that make me want to officially hop off the 'Just Give Me Dick' train and get a boyfriend, but I've never met a man that I could trust as far as I could throw..my shoe at him (but enough about my loveless, but dick-filled life).

Speaking of dick, we saw Dicksass too, well, briefly anyway. Dicksass kind of disappeared for awhile...a long while...upstairs...and when Sassy and Mr. Dick returned, the party was kind of already over (*High-fives Sassy for also receiving some immaculate dick in one of the Phi Delta upstairs bathrooms*).

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