Welcome Back

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Hey guys, this is my very first Omeeka story. ❗️They do not get together quickly in this book and will progress slowly. If you can't handle that, don't read it. Do not leave comments indicating how frustrated you are that they are not together yet or don't do something that you want them to do AT ANY POINT in this book. I don't care and you will be blocked. ❗️


The Knew Your Times

posted 9:54am, September 8
Tags: none

    Welcome back fellow students of Old York University! And a special welcome back to the sisters of Delta Alpha Kappa and the brothers of Phi Delta! I just spent my morning unpacking my bags and decorating my room with the cutest things that I found online in the perfect shades of Delta Alpha Kappa pink and Phi Delta blue. I know that some of you may wish that the summer lasted just a little bit longer, but as for me, I've been waiting all summer to return to the walls of Old York University. You can say that you didn't miss me and all of the daily 'tea' that I spill for you about our fellow schoolmates, but we all know you'd be lying. How do I know? This site has broken down seven times in the last semester alone and the number of daily visits has sky rocketed! We don't know if this is because some of you may be afraid that you may find your name on here after a night of drunken fun, or you just want to know what the Delta Alpha Kappa girls and the Phi Delta boys are up to, but bottom line is you missed me and my spies and we have missed you all too.

Now, let's get this school year started off right! And no, that does not mean hazing new pledges my sorority people; it means parties on parties on parties! But make sure you're on your best behavior, because like you, my spies and I are back, and we like to party too ;)

P.s.- Does anyone know what we did to have the devil spread his ass crack over the state of New York this week? It's hot as f---! Stay cool kids!

-    The Knew Your Times


Onika Maraj pulled her hot pink sheet over her new bed before pulling her long black hair into a ponytail with a sigh. She could feel the sweat dripping down the small of her back and a layer of moist air stick to her skin. It was 95 degrees out today and since the air conditioning still hadn't been fixed since last semester, the Delta Alpha Kappa house was as hot as a sauna. She heard her roommate let out an expletive before turning around.

"Nicki, I'm honestly about to take my clothes off and finish this naked," exclaimed Sherika as she plopped down on the identical twin bed that sat across from Nicki's. Her dark hair was pulled up into a messy bun and her freckled face appeared dewy from the sticky heat.

Nicki laughed as she eyed her best friend of fifteen years, "I know, you'd think that they would have fixed the air conditioning system over the summer," she responded peeling her white t-shirt from her body.

"Can we sue? I can pretend to pass out from the heat," responded Sherika, her dark eyes widened at the possibility.

Nicki laughed as she placed the last of her pink pillows on her bed, "You crazy, that would be all over Knew Your Times." she said using her arms to pull herself up on to her bed, "I can see it now, 'Freckles fakes a faint, because she couldn't take the heat,'"

"They'd have a field day with that." responded Sherika speaking into the fan that was sitting on top of the wooden nightstand next to her bed. Nicki shook her head at Sherika's childish antics, "Speaking of, how long you think it's gonna take them to find out you broke up with Safaree this summer?" she asked. Her voice seemed to vibrate as it traveled through the fan.

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