First Friday First Weekend (Part 3)

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This is another extra long one, enjoy! :)


The Knew Your Times

posted: 8:46am, September 14
Tags: Safaree S., Zashia S., Sherika, Omelly, Fah R., Nicki M.

Good morning my beautiful readers! I am happy to say that I have some good stories to share with you this morning. For those who could not attend, yesterday's football tailgate was a huge success, as everyone that I wanted to see there was there and partying hard like the good OYU Bulls that I know they are. The weather was absolutely perfect as the sun's rays shined beautifully over the shades of red, white, and blue. The men of Phi Delta arrived rather early to the tailgate, while the women of Delta Alpha Kappa showed up a bit later with bright pink lips and matching pink shoes. The men and women from our basketball teams also eventually showed up looking oh, so patriotic. While this has all left me feeling so happy this morning (even through this awful hangover), it's time to get to why you're all here, and that is to see what I and my loyal spies had uncovered yesterday.

I think that I'll begin with the less eye opening story, which is that Safaree S. was once again spotted with his new boo Zashia S. at the tailgate yesterday. Being that this was an upperclassmen event, and she is only a sophomore, we are guessing that her new beau got her in. Hm, we are not exactly sure how we feel about them together yet. I mean, we can't even think of a good couples name. Is it Zasharee? Or Sashia? We don't know know.

Next, did anyone one see Freckles (Sherika) and one of our basketball MVP's, Omelly flirting and dancing with each other at the tailgate? Is there something going on here, or were two old friends just simply having a good time? I'm not sure yet, but my spies tell me that it certainly looked like there was something going on between the two. If there is, we'd just like to say that we would totally be down for some Omerika, or would it be Shomelly?

We now come to our final *couple* to close these drunken tales of tailgate love (unless you want to count Fah R., the Queen B's love for getting to the bottom of her beer bottles). Who could we be talking about? Let's play a little game of 'Guess Who?', shall we? One of the people in question is a member of the Delta Alpha Kappa sorority and is ironically somehow linked to every person that I have named in this post. The second person, is one of the new players on the men's basketball team that we still have yet to identify. If you guessed Nicki M. and Mr. Tall Dark And Handsome, you would be right! While I saw Cookie dancing quite provocatively with her new...friend, my spies say that she also showed absolutely no reservations when it came to their public displays of affection. The two were apparently all over each other at the tailgate, before Cookie, Freckles, and Sassy left. Are Cookie and Mr. Tall Dark And Handsome together? My spies say that the Delta Alpha Kappa member looked absolutely tickled pink whenever she was around Mr. Tall Dark And Handsome. Now, even though these two had a rocky start, I hear that a lot of the best love stories start out that way.

Those were the best stories of the day, besides a couple of seniors being rushed to the hospital for alcohol poisoning (but since I know them, I'll keep their names to myself). I have heard of a few parties going on tonight to celebrate the last day of syllabus week, but they haven't been confirmed. But I will, as always keep you posted. Have a great last day and last night TKYTers, my spies and I will see you soon!

P.s.- Me and my spies hope to see you all at Green Bull Madness tomorrow night! Don't forget to purchase your tickets, wear green, and to be on your best behavior ;)

- The Knew Your Times

Nicki woke up not knowing if she was dead or alive. Her head was pounding and she groaned as she tried to pull her covers higher over her head, but something was weighing it down. Opening her eyes slowly, she looked at the end of her bed and saw Thembi sleeping with her sheets tucked around her. Nicki frowned and turned on to her side facing Sherika's side of the room. She blinked and squinted as her eyes began to adjust to the sunlight shining through their window. Nicki tried to remember as much as she could about the tailgate and groaned again as she remembered being all over Meek and telling him he had sexy lips. She also distinctly remembered calling him Rihmeeky, which made her wish that the ground would open up and swallow her whole. Drunk Nicki was not good Nicki.

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