Governor's Ball (Part 2)

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I told you that I wouldn't take as long with part 2! I'm really proud of how a certain scene of this chapter came out which is making this one of my fav chapters that I've written! Enjoy! 😉🤗


In her pink rubber flip flops, Nicki continued her trek to the basketball apartment condominiums. She had been walking at a fast pace for almost ten minutes now, and the only thing that was stopping her from running was the frozen ice patches along the sidewalks from the snow that had melted in the day with the help of the sun. It was dark and Nicki could just barely hear the sound of distant crickets as millions of thoughts raced through her head. She couldn't feel the frigid cold air along her exposed feet, arms, and face as the temperature had now dropped to below zero tonight, nor could she feel the tips of her toes and fingers freezing and turning pink as her blood rushed to them in hopes of creating warmth. She sniffled as her body, now high on adrenaline, seemed to carry her to Meek's apartment without any coherent thought in her mind about what she was doing or what she was about to do. Anger, jealousy, confusion, and mostly pain filled her small body as the brick apartment condominiums came into view.

Nicki reread the T.K.Y.T. post in her head over and over again as if it were a scene in a script that she had to memorize. Even though she knew that she hurt Meek, she didn't understand how Meek could do this to her or how he could have found someone else so fast. She didn't understand how once again, it was so easy for the men in her life to replace her. Nicki's mind continued to whirl as a new painful explanation came to her head. What if Meek had been speaking to this girl all along and she was too stupid to realize. Tears clouded Nicki's vision as she came closer to her destination. Maybe Amber had been right about Meek all along, maybe Meek wasn't really the man that she thought him to be.

Suddenly, images of Meek kissing, holding, and laughing with this girl behind her back filled her head as Meek's apartment came into view and her anger heightened. Nicki didn't notice how quickly her heart was beating or how out of breath she was as she looked over the darkened windows of the condominium. The ends of her toes and fingers were almost, if not completely, numb and pink as the cold continued to do its work unbeknownst to her. She quickly jumped up the two front steps of the condominium and tried to close her right hand into a fist only to be met with stiffness and pain. Extending her index finger instead, Nicki pressed her finger to the doorbell before hearing it ring loudly on the other side of the forest green door. When there was no answer or any sign of movement coming from the other side, Nicki rang the bell again and again. More images of Meek with another girl filled her head and somehow she was suddenly able to painfully maneuver her small hand into a first before she began relentlessly banging on the front door.

It wasn't long before Nicki heard movement behind the door followed by the light that lit the entryway of the apartment turn on. Nicki continued to bang on the door until it was pulled open by a sleep deprived-looking Meek who blinked rapidly as his vision adjusted to the light of the entryway and an angry and equally sleep deprived-looking Nicki.

"Nic?" Meek said looking down at Nicki confused.

Nicki could hear the sleep in his voice as her eyes moved over what he was wearing: a black long sleeved shirt and pair of black Nike sweatpants. She was surprised that he was even wearing clothing after what she believed that he had been doing up in his room, "Where is she?!" she yelled quickly pushing her way past him before her eyes fell on the staircase.

"Where is who?" Nicki heard Meek ask from behind her before she made a run for the stairs, "Nicki! What are you doing?!" she heard Meek question her again, only this time more urgently.

Nicki could hear Meek's heavy footsteps behind her as he ran up the stairs after her. She hoped that the girl was still here as she eyed Meek's closed bedroom door. Nicki heard Meek call her name again as her cold right hand wrapped around his door handle before turning the knob. Ignoring the pain of her frozen fingers as she did this, Nicki pushed open the door just as Meek was running up the last few steps of the creaky staircase.

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