Snowed In

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👋🏾 Hello! It's extra long as usual! It's also full of fluff and you get to see the point of view of a character that I've never actually written before only written about.

Enjoy! 😊


posted: 9:31am, November 2
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And a snowy good morning to you, assholes! Has anyone taken a look out of their windows or stepped outside?! According to the weather channel, there is currently a good four feet of snow covering our beautiful campus and it is STILL snowing! In fact, the latest report stated that the storm will likely end in the late evening. We're looking at another four feet by tonight! This is the perfect cuddle weather if you have a boo, or a bae, or baby daddy. I will actually be cuddling with a bag of Doritos and a bottle of wine, because I have none of those. What happened to all of my eligible bachelors, you may ask? Some are completely snowed in, one has microvirus, and the other, well, I threw up in his Audi two nights ago. Is Mercury in retrograde or something??! Why has the universe forsaken me on the very first snow day of the year!? While I was sitting in my dorm room alone, stuffing my face with alcohol and saturated fats, I thought that we could play a game. It's been a little while since our last blind item so, why not open the new month with one (I'm bored and your guesses will entertain me)? But before we get to that let me give you my recap of last night: NOTHING. It seems that the severity of the storm last night pretty much kept everyone in their quarters, but we wouldn't be OYU if we didn't find a way to party anyway! I was told that the basketball players had a basketball player only party, which means that they had a party for themselves since they are all conveniently neighbors. This goes for every other team, chapter, and group on this campus last night. My spies and I had a party of our own where I drank too much Pinot Grigio and cried for an hour to my born-again virgin spy about not getting dick (I swear she was crying for the same reason too). But enough about one of the drier nights on campus, let's get to the blind!

Disclaimer: This blind item comes from one of my spies who specializes in drama that centers around a certain house of girls. While this information was obtained from outside of this house of girls, the source is just as reliable and the story is just as juicy as if it came from this house of girls itself.

Our female blind items are what one on the outside would have described as best friends, bosom buddies, or even Sisters, but recent occurrences would probably leave one thinking otherwise. These two can still be seen hanging out with each other, partying together, and even wearing the same shade of Pink, but something isn't quite right, best, or bosom about these two. What is it? It seems that these two may have TOO much in common! Maybe spending as much time together as they do has given them the same taste in men, or just one man in particular. Have you ever heard the saying, 'One man's trash is another man's treasure?'. Well, in this case, it goes more like this: One woman's recyclables is another woman's Quarterback. Oh, but we thought that one of our two blind items only had a thing for Half-backs.

We have been telling you that one of our two blind items has been flaunting around a false relationship, and we have also already told you that our other blind item was pining after a past romantic interest of the other blind item so, obviously, this cannot be the story. So, what is the story? Well, it seems that this guy has been two-timing them both with EACH OTHER! Gross! Apparently, this double-the-trouble charade has been going on since the middle of October! While we do hold the male in this triangle at fault, we can't help but also hold the more Royal of our two blind items responsible, because SHE KNEW that something was going on with this guy and her best bosom buddy. So, is this some type of revenge, or is our sneaky blind item trying to prove something while stroking her Crown? We don't quite know what her intent is, but we do know that this isn't the type of friend that we want!

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