Game Day

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👋🏾 It only took 30 years to get this chapter up! To make up for that the chapter is extra long 🤗

I hope you guys enjoy! 💃🏾

Also, is Wattpad serious about these commercials while we read??? I literally thought I left some app open 🙄

Also, I hope that you all had a wonderful thanksgiving! 🦃

posted: 8:07am, November 4
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Good morning, my fellow OYU Bulls! I hope that you all have your green gear ready for our D1 basketball team's first game of the season tonight! Just in case you walk around with blinders on and haven't seen the numerous posters around campus advertising the game, or haven't read the T.K.Y.T. blog in the past week, the game tonight is against our archrival school, White Plains University! This is a home game that will obviously be held in our basketball arena located in the campus athletic center! Also obviously, today is your last day to purchase your tickets, otherwise, you won't be able to get in (seats usually fill up fast). Did I mention that tickets are almost sold out? For those of you who are freshmen or just newbies to our wonderful university, basketball is one of OYU's biggest (if not the biggest), sports! And you would be absolutely crazy to miss out on seeing our university's most coveted team of men beat that sorry excuse for a D1 basketball team at WPU. The game starts at 8pm, but doors open at 7:15 so, make sure to get there early to get good seats! I have a feeling that our favorite pretty-in-pink sorority, Delta Alpha Kappa, has already secured their usual up-close-and-personal section in the arena. I only hope that they don't show up wearing all pink outfits again like they did to Green Bull Madness this year- it's time to show school spirit Queen B, and not your royal pink ass! Buzzz buzzz.

By the way, if you are one of those people who are on the fence about attending Governor's Ball on Friday, please allow me to make the decision easier for you: You have nothing better to do this Friday night,  it's a totally great way to stalk the guy who won't answer your text messages because you threw up in his car not too long ago, AND there is a raffle this year! If you win, there's a free Apple iPad with your name on it! So, be there or be a PC tablet.

My spies and I have been receiving a lot messages about our #DontBeDennisTheMenace fliers that were posted around our snow covered campus yesterday morning by my dutiful spies. It seems that some faculty members have been noticing our fliers and are planning to bring them up to administration. Some of you have been expressing your worry that T.K.Y.T. is going to get found out, and even shut down, but my loyal little assholes, I am here to assure you that this will and can never happen. We here at T.K.Y.T. are protected by the best, prepared for everything, and refuse to be brought down. Just ask Dennis Holcomb, a.k.a. the man behind the #DontBeDennisTheMenace hashtag! Maybe he'll be brave and show up to the game tonight with the rest of the WPU heathens. Ha, probably not.

Anyway, it will be yet another cold day on campus as the frigid wind offensively blows the frozen pieces of ice from on top of the 5 foot piles of snow along our sidewalks into your faces. So, make sure you bundle up and find yourself a boo to cuddle up with during these chilly November nights. After all, it's still cuffing season!

That is all I have for you this morning, assholes. My spies and I hope to see you all tonight at our basketball team's season opening home game! GOOO Bulls! We also hope that you stay on your best behavior and keep your tender nips warm ;)

P.s.- But while we're talking about this winter-like weather, I'd just like to share with you what one of my naughtier spies shared with me. Does anyone know what a 'wrist icicle' is? Hint: It has absolutely nothing to do with winter weather, icicles, or even jewelry...

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