Shutdown (Part 1)

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The Knew Your Times

posted 8:00am, September 10
Tags: Onikafaree, Safaree S., Nicki M.

Good morning TKYTers, I hope you all were able to enjoy your second night of syllabus week partying, but if you were like me and my spies, you were probably turning up at the Phi Delta house only for the party to be shut down early by campus safety. But apparently that didn't ruin some of your nights, as some of you hurried over to Phil Potter and Isaac Reynolds' townhouse party that was apparently dead before the Phi Delta party was shut down. If you check your email from the university, you will see that Phi Delta has been put on probation until further notice. What are we supposed to do for parties for the rest of the week?! It's only Wednesday, and our beloved syllabus week still has until Sunday night to die down. We don't think the Delta Alpha Kappa girls will be throwing a party any time soon, as word on the street is that their air conditioning STILL has not been fixed from last semester. Maybe the basketball players will throw another party at one of their apartments to spare us? No word yet.

You are probably wondering what news I have for you today. Well, I have two juicy tales that may provide some answers to the post I made the morning after our first night back. As I previously told you, it looked like our dear Onikafaree was over Monday night as Safaree S. was seen with a new girl that was not Nicki M.. I could tell you that last night was no different as Scaffbreezy was spotted dancing with his new girl at his fraternity's party, but I would only be telling you half of the truth. Where was Cookie you might ask? The Delta Alpha Kappa girls made their pink appearance about two hours after the party had already started. While I saw Cookie dancing alone with her gal pals, my spies tell me that she was later getting all up close and personal with guess who! Mr. Tall Dark And Handsome from the basketball party on Monday night! You guys remember I told you about a little scuffle Cookie had with an unrecognizable hottie?  Well, my spies tell me it was the same guy she was getting all touchy feely with last night. We still don't know his name, but we do know he's on the basketball team so we should know very soon. This most definitely confirms what we feared after Monday night, and it is that Onikafaree has officially been SHUTDOWN. CANCELLED. GAME OVER. And we are a little sad about it.

That's all I have for you today loyal readers. If I hear word on any parties happening tonight, I will make sure to let you know.

P.s.- Satan still has his ass crack open over New York, so stay cool, and as always, be on your best behavior ;)

- The Knew Your Times

Nicki and Sherika were awakened by the sound of loud pounding at their dorm door. Sherika was the first to sit up, push back her covers, and swing her legs over her bed before standing. Nicki looked on with sleepy eyes as Sherika, annoyed, stalked to their door. Nicki could hear her open it before an angry looking Fah pushed her way in.

"Where the fuck is she?!" yelled Fah trudging into the room.

Last night began to replay in Nicki's head before she sat up, "I know you did not just barge into our room like this!" exclaimed Sherika following behind Fah to Nicki's bed.

"You little bitch!" yelled Fah pulling Nicki's pink covers off of her, "Did you read TKYT this morning?!" she asked.

"Obviously not, we was both clearly sleeping." responded Sherika with an attitude as she crossed her arms, "Why?"

Nicki held her breath as Fah pulled out her phone from behind her back and began running her fingers over the screen. She stopped and shot Nicki a glare before she began to read, "While I saw Cookie dancing alone with her gal pals, my spies tell me she was later getting all up close and personal with guess who. Mr. Tall Dark and Handsome from the basketball party on Monday night," spat Fah looking at Nicki with a look that made Nicki scoot back a bit in her bed.

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