Halloweekend: Faux Delta

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Hello👋🏾 Two of my promises to you all were given in this chapter. One of which was not apart of the original plan of the chapter, but I couldn't help myself. 👊🏾💥👊🏾💥

Above, are the costumes that Nicki and the girls are supposed to be wearing.

This one is over 22,000 words and a full breakdown of the chapter is at the end. Enjoy! 😊


posted: 9:18am, October 30
Tags: Omeeka, Nicki M., Meek M., Shomelly, Sherika, Omelly, Fah R., Sean S.

Good morning freaks! Happy Friday and happy second night of Halloweekend! I'm a little late posting this morning, but after the chaos that ensued last night at the Halloween Party Bash, I'm sure that you understand why. So, what went down last night? I think that I'll start with why dozens of students were carried out and away on stretchers.

Way back in high school, I asked my chemistry teacher what the chemical formula was for air. She told me that air doesn't have a chemical formula, because air is a mixture of gases. Well, whatever air is, some students were clearly unable to find it last night. If you went to the Halloween Party Bash, you probably would have noticed that your skin felt as if it were on fire and melting. It was HOT to say it plainly. While I'm glad for the wonderful turnout of students showing up to the event, I probably would have enjoyed not feeling everyone's sweat on top of my own and smelling their B.O. seep through their polyester costumes. I don't think that I have even sweated that much during a workout at the gym or in a football player's (who shall remain nameless), bed.

If you've been to any of the past Halloween Party Bash's you probably would have noticed some differences this year, like the university CAGING US IN LIKE ANIMALS. The barn doors remained closed all night (until people started passing out), in order to I guess, stop the kids-arriving-late-and-drunk problem. But don't they know that we'll just drink earlier and arrive on time? Anyway, students started dropping like flies after the first couple of hours at the event from dehydration, and were carried out by ambulances before being brought to the hospital. Luckily, neither me or any of my spies were one of these people. You may, if you weren't too drunk yourself, noticed that some students (mainly freshmen), were carried out due to extreme intoxication. My only response to that is: if you can't handle your liquor, you shouldn't be drinking. Isn't that right, little froshies? I thankfully sweated out most of my alcohol on the dance floor and after at some football player's bed (I'm currently locked in his bathroom writing this, because he's still sleeping and I want a round 2). T.M.I.? Okay, moving on...

What did me and my spies see while gasping for breath in the barn last night? Or maybe we should talk about what we saw before that. Just in case you're new here and you didn't know, we at TKYT absolutely love to see your (unique) costumes for Shocktoberfest and Halloweekend, and this year was no exception. So, imagine our delight when we saw one of our favorite couple's costume choice last night. If you didn't see the Instagram posts or the two at the Halloween Party Bash (i.e. if you live under a rock), you probably missed Omeeka being as cute as ever. What began as what looked like some sort of shade throwing from Nicki M., ended as a cute game of Trading Places: Bae vs. Bae. The two ended up dressing up as each other after Cookie posted this last night which resulted in Mr. Tall Dark And Handsome posting this in response. Were their costume choices done out of pettiness or is it just us? Either way, the two looked absolutely adorable being each other for the night. My spies report that they were seen dancing the night away in the steamy barn together. Although, the type of dancing wasn't as innocent as I wrote it here.

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