TKYT: (Qu)easy Like Sunday Morning

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I interrupt my viewing of pretty little liars to give you this: If you read my paragraph at the end of the last update, you'll know what this is. Enjoy.


posted: 9:42am, October 18
Tags: Fah R., Sean S., Zafaree, Onikafaree, Zashia S., Omeeka, Nicki M., Meek W., Shomelly, Dicksass, Sherika, Omelly

Good morning TKYTers, I hope that you all enjoyed your Saturday nights and ended them more responsibly than I did. Where did I wake up on this chilly and snowy Sunday morning? A bed that was not my own. Whose arm was draped around me? I don't know. Whose on-campus house did I jump out the first story window to escape barely clothed? I DON'T FUCKING KNOW. Lucky for me, I run this blog, or else I certainly would have found myself on it this morning.

As I was running through the several inches of fresh fluffy snow to get back to my residence (besides feeling like the cold was gnawing at my very soul), I realized that I really do not remember shit from the rugby party last night. This shouldn't be surprising, since I did wake up in some UOB's bed with the friendly post-it note my intelligent drunken self wrote for my now hungover self that read, 'His name is *****. He was good. Good morning. You're pregnant. Jk. Lol.', stuck to my forehead. Even drunk me is a sarcastic bitch. But, what I have gained from this experience? I'm hungover and queasy. What I did not gain? A fetus.  All's well that ends well, I guess. Now, even though I feel like I'm about to puke out yesterday morning's sangria, I will be spilling some tea about last night that my spies, who are often more responsible than I, gathered and shared with me before my first trip to the toilet this morning.

Who was playing a little tonsil hockey at the rugby house last night. None other than Fah R. and her alleged 'on again' boyfriend, Sean S.. You all already know my feelings about this...couple. Unfortunately, this is one of the very few things that I remember from last night. *Wince* The two have been...together longer than they did last year at this time. So, they've now been together for a total of seven seconds rather than five. Congrats you two! My spies tell me that the two were not at all shy about their display of extreme PDA. Hmm, maybe that's why I drank so much.

What other couples were seen? Zafaree was seen looking like they are officially back together *yawn*. Now, before you all scroll up to the submission button and tell me that I dislike Zafaree because I was originally an Onikafaree fan like you already annoyingly have been, you're wrong. I personally have a bone to pick with Ms. Zashia. To keep my anonymity as such, I will not disclose when or where this happened, but I, being the kind person that I am loaned Ms. Zashia my last and very FAVORITE ballpoint pen to use in one of the classes that I have/had with her. She gave it back to me THE NEXT DAY with chew marks all over it! For this reason, her nickname is now Ball Biter, since she apparently likes to bite balls. I think it's very fitting *flips hair*. Anyway, the two stayed by each other's sides the entire night before taking a smoke break outside of the party for awhile. So there! My reason for disliking Zafaree has nothing to do with Onikafaree, but everything to do with that ball biting underclassman and her boyfriend who claims Cookies in the cookie jar that aren't his! This little rant brings me to my most favorite couple spotting that I wish I could remember.

Omeeka, Omeeka, Omeeka. It looks like Nicki M. and Meek W. are still going strong after what me and my spies saw at the Delta Alpha Kappa fundraiser on Friday night. If you remember, we saw Mr. Tall Dark And Handsome and a UOB (that we still haven't been able to identify), getting a little flirty on the dance floor. We expressed our confusion and disappointment at what the situation looked like, but it seems that the two are perfectly fine as they were attached at the hip last night. My spies tell me that after playing a game of beer pong, the two snuck away to a secluded corner of the spacious living room (away from us heathens), where they proceeded to invade each other's personal space, sneak kisses, and be cute while my spies realized how lonely they truly are. Together, they left the party a few hours after arriving. My spies claim that Cookie was looking a little tired as Mr. Tall Dark And Handsome carried Cookie in the direction of the Delta Alpha Kappa house in the snow. We at TKYT are awww-ing at the blatant chivalry Mr. Tall Dark And Handsome displayed last night and are glad that the two are still together after a confusing night like Friday night.

Who else was seen? Shomelly in full effect as they played a game of flip cup together against their friends as well as opponents, Dicksass. Because this was a little earlier in the night, I do happen to just barely remember, but is it just me or was Shomelly looking a little lovey dovey last night? If you've seen these two together, you'd probably know that basketball MVP, Omelly and Delta Alpha Kappa member, Sherika are usually at each other's throats, but last night, after their rousing game of flip cup, and after saying goodbye to Omeeka, Omelly and Freckles were rather calm as they stayed by each other's side last night. Sneaking kisses here in there and grooming each other. Hmmm, we don't know what this is, but we like it, and will be keeping an eye out.

I now believe that it's time for our second blind item of the year, don't you?

Disclaimer: Today's blind item was brought to me by one of my spies who was smart enough to not get as drunk as I was last night. She also managed to fall asleep in her own bed without creating a post-it note assuring her that her random and ugly sex partner used a condom.

Our female blind item is definitely one of the Girls, but her most recent quest seems to go against all things Girl code. Last night, our Pretty in Pink gal was getting a little flirty with one of her best gal pal's past flings. More specifically, she was spotted getting up close and personal with this past fling while her gal pal was doing the same with her newest fling. Maybe this Royal gal pal is truly over this old fling and doesn't mind that our blind item is on the prowl, or maybe our blind item is tired of living in the shadows, gathering the Honey for Her Highness, and wants to knock her off her Throne.

Hmm, we are not quite sure of our blind item's intentions, but we are sure that things are about to get interesting. Do you think that it's against girl code to go after your friend's past romantic interests?

Our girl:

Gal pal:

Past Fling:

Current Fling/Relationship:


Note: You may need to go back a bit to guess a few names!

Submit your answers and I'll let you know the correct answers soon!  That is currently all I have for you this morning, my loyal assholes. While I am puking out my regrets, I hope that you enjoy your last day of freedom while being on your best behavior ;) Stay warm!

P.s.- I want to thank those of you who responded to me about whether I should have stopped drinking sangria yesterday morning. As you could tell, I did eventually find the 'S' key and did put the bottle down only to put in a flask and chug it at the rugby party. Thank you all for your concern; maybe you aren't as much of the assholes that I think you are (doubt it).

- The Knew Your Times


So, this will be the first of I think many solo TKYT updates between actual chapters. Thank you to those who responded and said that you'd like these between long update gaps! There will be another solo TKYT update before the next actual chapter so, look out for it! Thank you for reading! Please comment/vote and do the blind item guesses! I'm going back to watching pretty little liars now lol ✌🏾

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