Black And Blue (Part 2)

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I like this chapter even though there is no Omeeka in it. It's important because you get to see where Meek and Sherika's heads are at and what each are willing to do for Nicki. You will love Sherika, hate Safaree even more than you already do, and you'll still want to strangle Nicki here, but it'll all be fixed soon, because zaddy Meek is plotting for his little baby. Lol enjoy! :).-

Meek pulled his notebook and a pen out of his backpack before placing them on the table. He was sitting at the table in the back corner of the classroom where he and Nicki sat together for the past two classes with the hope that she would sit with him this morning, but knew that she probably wouldn't. He had been trying to talk to her ever since she left his apartment yesterday morning, but she just ignored him. He texted her every hour with apologies and promises that he would make it up to her if she would just speak to him, but he had no luck. Nicki wanted nothing to do with him and Meek felt something close to heartbreak at the thought. He remembered how she looked at him yesterday; he had never seen her so angry and he wished that her anger wasn't directed towards him. He just wanted to protect her and make Safaree pay for the pain that he caused her, but he was realizing that he may have gone about it the wrong way. The last thing he wanted to do was cause more pain to Nicki, but he did and Meek felt truly bad about hurting her.

After talking to Sherika yesterday, he felt a little better after learning that she more than approved of what he did. She even told him that she and Thembi were thankful. Meek grinned at how funny Sherika's texts were to him and he was grateful that Nicki's best friends were on his side. The way that Nicki told him to stay away from her and the way she rejected his touch hurt him more than anything. When she didn't respond to his question of whether she was still his little baby, Meek really understood the effect of his actions and was ready to do whatever he had to do to get Nicki back, he just had to think of how.

Meek was pulled out of his thoughts when he saw Nicki enter the room. She was wearing a pink maxi dress that hugged her curves perfectly. Her long hair was down and left curly as it cascaded down her back in ringlets of ebony. Meek watched her look at him and in that moment he confirmed his previous thoughts that she was the beautiful woman he had ever seen, but then she looked away. Meek watched her place her bag on top of a desk in the front of the room and sit down. He could see the tension in her shoulders as she pulled out what she needed for the class from her bag. Meek watched her sadly as another student came in and sat down next to her. Meek pulled his phone out from the pocket of his grey basketball shorts and opened their text messages. He looked at the one sided conversation he had been having with himself for the past 24 hours and sighed, 'I promise I'll make it up to you, Nic. I know that I've said this a thousand times since yesterday, but I'm really sorry and I'll do whatever it takes to get you to forgive me. You look beautiful today, by the way and I hope you have a good day. I'm so sorry, Nic'. Meek hit send and watched as she looked down at her lap after a few seconds. He could tell tell she was looking down at her phone and reading his message. Meek watched her shoulders relax a bit, but she didn't turn back to look at him when their professor entered the room.

Meek watched her take notes for the rest of the class as he took his own. When the class was over at 10:45, students began putting away their belongings before exiting the room. Meek watched her stand up as he placed his notebook back into his bag. She started to exit the room and Meek followed her into the hallway. As his eyes scanned her curvy body he wondered if he should try to talk to her or if he should just respect her space. As they walked down the stairs, he saw Nicki look at him briefly from the corner of her eye before returning her attention forward. Her pace quickened slightly once they got down the stairs to the first floor and Meek knew that respecting her space was probably the better decision. Meek watched her push open the door to exit the building and he caught it just as it was about to close. He watched her step out into the summer sun and once she got to where their path splits, Meek remembered that this was usually where they'd tell each other that they would see the other later and they'd hug and he'd kiss her forehead, and she would smile up at him with her dimples while the scent of her perfume took over his senses. This time, she just kept walking and Meek sighed as he began his journey to the athletic center for practice.

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