Columbus Day Weekend: Shocktoberfest Eve

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The Knew Your Times

posted: 9:22am, October 10
Tags: Safaree S., Deen, Chino, Meek W., Nicki M., Zafaree, Zashia S., Omeeka, Shomelly, Sherika, Omelly, Fah R., Shocktoberfest

F.O.M.O. (noun): anxiety that an exciting or interesting event may currently be happening elsewhere, also known as, fear-of-missing-out.

THIS is the best way to describe how I felt when I hopped on to the campus bus yesterday afternoon en route to the train that would take me home so that I could pick up some warm clothing and maybe even snag some extra dollars from my dad before I head back to campus tonight. And based on the stories that my wonderful spies have shared with me this morning, I had good reason. Of all the Friday nights that I could have chosen to miss, why did I choose this one? I'm upset my loyal readers, I'm very upset that I chose to go home this weekend, even though I did it, because I've been freezing my ass off for the past few weeks and thought it a good idea to head home and grab some of my warmest clothes to bring back. I can tell you now that I would have rather been at that basketball party that I told you all about yesterday morning. You want to know why?! Because petting my cat and watching Netflix largely pales in comparison to seeing Safaree S. be rejected from a party! Now, what am I talking about?? Well, let's get started, shall we?

Yesterday morning, I told you all about the party that two of our basketball MVP's, Deen and Chino were throwing at their on-campus apartment condominium. While the party was only open to upperclassmen, it seems that there was one upperclassman that didn't quite make the list and that was Phi Delta's own, Safaree S.. According to my spies, about a couple of hours into the party, Scaffbreezy and a few of his Phi Delta fraternity brothers knocked on the front door of the party popping condominium only to be rejected at the door by the party throwers themselves. While we have been hearing rumors over the past few weeks about SB being 'blacklisted' from all basketball parties, we had no real reason to believe them (well, until now). I am told that he wasn't just simply reflected, but there was rather some not so nice words exchanged. In fact, my spies went so far as to tell me that there was an argument that could have very well turned into a physical fight. What could have caused the rift between SB and our basketball MVP's who were actually, at one time, friendly acquaintances? Could it SB's ex and Meek W.'s new gal?? You should all know by now that these two are the same person, and that person is none other than Delta Alpha Kappa member, Nicki M. who was also seen briefly at the scene of the almost scuffle alongside her new beau. Hmmm, with this news I am starting to get an idea of what may have caused Scaffbreezy's mysterious black eye a few weeks ago, or rather who.

What else happened at the scene? Well, if you are a Zafaree fan, you may not want to read the rest of this. According to my spies, SB referred to Cookie as his girl! Excuse us, but we are pretty sure that Zashia S. is his girl? Unless something happened...or after reading this, something is about to happen??? SB apparently claimed Cookie as his girl as he was accusing Mr. Tall Dark And Handsome of sleeping with Cookie, but if Cookie is in fact dating Mr. Tall Dark And Handsome, what would be the problem with them sleeping together? We at TKYT are very confused, but it seems very clear that there is some sort of Omeeka jealousy happening on SB's end.

Speaking of Omeeka, my spies tell me that they looked happy last night, even after the almost scuffle at the front door. My spies report seeing them dancing together, canoodling, and just being completely carefree when it came to flirting and PDA. We love to see Omeeka happy and we also love to see Shomelly happy. Sherika and Omelly were also spotted at the party dancing and sneaking in a few kisses as the night went on. I see that cuffing season has really worked in favor of these two couples.

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