Chapter 35: Kendyll Marissa Biersack

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Chapter 35: Kendyll Marissa Biersack

Mia's POV

*Two Weeks Later*

I was laying in bed, attempting to take a nap. I kept having sharp pains in my stomach, trying to ignore them so I could get some much needed sleep. Finally, one pain made me shoot up and grip my stomach. It was then that I knew that my hopes of sleeping were gone.

"Fuck," I cursed under my breath, climbing out of bed. I waited for the pain to subside before waddling to the door. I opened it, beginning to search for Andy. My quest was interrupted by another sharp pain. I leaned against the wall and hissed in pain.

"ANDY!" I called, hoping wherever he was, that he could hear me. I heard footsteps down the hall and then felt arms wrapping around me.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Andy asked.

"I think I'm in labor," I said as the pain subsided again.

"Oh god, oh god, okay," he said as he started to panic.

"Just go get my bag from the closet please," I said and he nodded, rushing off to my room. He came back out with my bag and then dashed into his bedroom. He came back out with a bag for himself and then helped me to the front door. He helped me put shoes on and then we went out the door. He threw the bags in the back and then helped me in. He got in and started up the car.

"Andy wait, your shoes," I said, pointing to his bare feet.

"Fuck," he said, getting out and sprinting to the front door. He came back out a few seconds later with shoes, getting back in the car. He pulled out of the driveway and he breathed through my contractions as Andy drove like a mad man to the hospital.

Andy parked and helped me inside, our bags slung over one of his shoulders. He helped me sit down in a chair and then checked me in at the front desk. After five minutes, a nurse came over with a wheelchair. I got in and had a hospital bracelet clasped to my wrist. I was wheeled to my room as Andy waited in the waiting room.

The nurse helped me get into a hospital gown and began hooking me up to monitors. She got me settled into bed and then left. She returned a few moments later, Andy trailing behind her.

"I brought your husband with me," she said.

"Oh no, not husband," I said, furiously shaking my head.

"Yeah, we're just having a baby together, but we're not together," Andy insisted.

"Uhm, okay," the nurse said, continuing to set things up around the room.

"How are you feeling?" Andy asked, sitting next to me.

"In pain," I winced as another pain shot through my abdomen. I looked over at the nurse. "Can I get pain meds?" I asked.

"The anesthesiologist will be by soon," she said and I groaned. I needed relief now. If this was the beginning of labor, that means the pain is only going to get worse.

"Can you hand me my phone?" I asked Andy, reaching out my hand. He grabbed my phone and handed it to me. I was about to start notifying people when the doctor came in.

"Hello Mia, I hear you're feeling labor pains?" he asked and all I could was nod as I worked through another contraction. "Alright, let me just do a small exam to confirm," he said, putting on some gloves.

"You are definitely in labor, 3 centimeters. We'll give your doctor a call and get everything moving."

"Can I please get pain meds?" I asked.

"Of course," he smiled and left. I sent Claire a text to say I was in labor and then called my mom.

"Hello?" my mom answered. She had flown in last week to make sure she would be here for the birth. She's been staying in my apartment since I'm not there.

"Hi! I've been admitted to the hospital, uhm, I'm in labor."

"Oh my god, I'll be right there!" she said and hung up.

Ten minutes later, the anesthesiologist walked in. I grabbed Andy's hand as the needle was inserted into my back. I hissed, gripping tightly to Andy's hand. He got the epidural all set up and then allowed me to lay back down. The medicine started to flow and I was eager for the affects.

By the time my mom arrived, about thirty minutes later, I was numb from the waist down. My mom ran in, rushing up to me.

"How are you?" she asked, grabbing my hand.

"Fine now that I've got meds," I laughed.


"Oh my god Andy, FUCK YOU!" I cursed as I pushed, nearly breaking Andy's hand. 

"One more push," my doctor encouraged.

"I can't do it," I said, shaking my head, tears running down my face. I was so uncomfortable and tired.

"You can do it, you're strong. Our little girl is almost here, just one more push and we'll get to meet her. You can do this Mia," Andy encouraged, kissing the side of my head. I looked over at him and he smiled, stroking the back of my hand with his thumb.

"I can't," I said.

"Where's the Mia I first met, the strong, confident one. You can do this."

I took a deep breath and clutched tightly to Andy's hand. I gave one final push, letting out a guttural scream as I did.

"It's a girl!" my doctor announced. I heard my doctor's cries ring through the room and I flopped my body back onto the bed, my body racking with sobs.

"You did it," Andy smiled, pushing my hair off of my sweaty forehead as tears ran down his own face.

"Dad, would you like to cut the cord?" the doctor asked. Andy nodded shyly and grabbed the tool he was handed. He snipped the cord and handed the tool back. A nurse wrapped Kendyll in a blanket and placed her on  my chest.

"Hi baby girl," I cooed, placing my hand on her back.

"Hi there," Andy greeted, smiling at our daughter.

"Oh my god, I can't believe she's here," I said, looking at Andy.

"I know, and it was all you. You did it," Andy smiled at me and then looked back at our daughter. My mom excused herself and left to go wait in the waiting room.

The entire time that the nurses were cleaning up and doing tests on Kendyll, I was watching her. Once all of the hustle in the room had ceased, I felt my eyelids start to get heavy.

"We're going to take her to get a bath and get some rest so that you guys can get some rest as well," the nurse said, lifting Kendyll off of my chest. I nodded and I was asleep before the nurse was out of the room.


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