Chapter 37: Literal Hell

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Chapter 37: Literal Hell

Mia's POV

*Two Weeks Later*

We were released from the hospital a day after Kendyll was born. The last two weeks have been filled with family flooding Andy's house. Our families got on a plane the moment they heard I was in labor. Our dads and Archer kind of hung back, taking baby time when they could get it. Our moms were almost suffocating with the amount they wanted to help. 

My sister was my saving grace. She helped when I needed it and stayed back when it wasn't needed. She helped reel my mom in a bit, acting as a buffer.

Finally, everything had quieted down. Everyone had gone home and I finally felt like I could breathe. Kendyll's bassinet was set up in my room and then Andy had a baby monitor in his room. When she would cry, he would get up to come check and see if I needed help. Usually, if it was just a dirty diaper, I would hand her over so I could go back to sleep. If it was a feeding, I typically told him to go back to bed.

I woke up, stretching my limbs and bumping into something. I looked to see Andy laying next to me. He was fast asleep with his hand in Kendyll's bassinet. I smiled and decided to let him sleep, assuming he had probably been pretty tired to fall asleep in my bed.

I got out of bed and took the moment while they were both asleep to take a shower. I quietly grabbed my clean clothes and tiptoed to the bathroom. I made sure to close the door to my room and the door to the bathroom before turning on the shower. I got in, taking a moment to let the hot water wash over my body. 

I finished up my shower and got out, wrapping the towel around my body. I wrapped my hair in another towel, using the first towel to dry off completely. I pulled on my clean clothes and then took my hair out of the towel. I decided I was too lazy to blow dry my hair and didn't want to wake up the sleeping beauties in the next room. I left it to air dry, leaving the bathroom with my pile of dirty clothes. I tossed them into my hamper as I returned to the bedroom.

I heard a small groan and looked to see Andy was waking up. His eyes fluttered open and I could tell he was confused by his surroundings. His eyes began to open wider as he realized what bed he was laying in.

"Oh my god, I must have fallen asleep, I'm so sorry Mia," he whispered, sitting up.

"It's fine," I laughed. "Let's go to the kitchen, I'll make coffee," I said and he nodded. He stood up and followed me down the hall. I grabbed the baby monitor off of the coffee table and carried it into the kitchen with me as I turned on the coffee maker. Andy sat at the kitchen table, his head in his hands.

Eventually, I walked over to him with two mugs full of fresh coffee. He grabbed one from me and took a large sip.

"Thanks," he said, running his hand through his hair.

"Tired?" I asked with a laugh.

"Yeah," he sighed. "I can't believe I fell asleep in your room. I was trying to rock her to sleep and she just wouldn't go down. I eventually was able to place her in her bassinet, but when I tried removing my hand, she was start to cry again. I decided to sit and wait until she was in a deeper sleep. I guess I eventually laid down and passed out."

"Seriously Andy, it's fine. It's going to happen."

"Okay," he muttered as he took another sip of coffee. "How long have you been awake? I see you squeezed in a shower."

"Only about thirty minutes more than you. I took advantage of the whole house being asleep," I chuckled.

"I think I'll take a shower myself," he said, finishing his mug of coffee.

"Go, you will feel a million times better."

"Don't have to tell me twice," he chuckled, placing his mug in the sink and going to his bedroom.


I got this done last night but I don't like posting after midnight! Sorry it's taken me a few days to update!

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