Chapter 27: I'll Break It To You Easy

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Chapter 27: I'll Break It To You Easy

Mia's POV

*The Next Day*

I carefully followed the signs as I drove to the arrivals section of the airport. I had agreed to pick up Claire from the airport. Thank goodness I still got home before her even though I stayed an extra day. I pulled up to the curb where I saw her waiting. She put her suitcase into the trunk and got into the passenger seat.

"Mia! Hi! How was your Christmas?" she asked, giving me a quick hug.

"Uhm, let's hear about yours first!" I said, forcing a smile as I pulled away from the curb. 

"Oh no, that doesn't sound good," she said as she proceeded to tell me about the events of her family's Christmas. "Now, I need to hear everything about yours."

"Well, I told my family and they were shocked, but eventually came around, or so I thought."

"Uhm, elaborate!"

"They were fine until I mentioned that Andy was in a band."

"Oh no,"

"I wanted to invite them to his Nashville show so they could meet him and also see him perform, but my dad lost his shit. H-He told me I made a mistake and that he was disappointed in me."

"Oh Mia."

"I got an Uber to the airport because I just wanted to get out of there. I ended up calling Andy and one thing led to another, and I ended up in Ohio, having dinner with his parents."


"And, we kind of had sex," I said quietly, biting down on my lip.

"MIA!" Claire screamed, clutching onto my arm. "So, are you guys like a thing now?"

"No, we actually had a big fight about it."

"Oh god."

"We resolved it, mostly, I think," I said, still unsure about how our current situation would unfold in the future. "He admitted that he likes me, like he has really big feelings."

"Bitch, I could've told you that and I've never met the man! So why aren't you dating if you both like each other?"

"I don't like him!" I protested.

"Bullshit! You haven't talked about a single man the way you talk about Andy since Tanner!"

"Don't say his name," I muttered and she rolled her eyes.

"Sorry, sorry, Voldemort," she said. "You are in love with that man!"

"It's probably just the pregnancy hormones," I said quietly.

"You think that's going to get better after you see him holding your child and being an amazing father? Okay, Miss Delulu."

"I don't know," I sighed.

"What did you guys fight about?"

"He was upset that I went back to my room after he fell asleep. He thought that us having sex meant that our relationship would move forward. I was just expecting causal sex," I shrugged.

"He does not seem like the casual sex type," Claire laughed.

"He's definitely not."

"So you said you resolved it? How?"

"I said that I can't balance a relationship and pregnancy. We'll continue like we have been and just see where it goes," I shrugged.

"Girl, you better lock that man down!"

"We're having a baby. I don't think he's going anywhere."

"Mmm, whatever," she said. "Now that you can remember the sex, was it good?"

"Fuck yes," I said as flashbacks from our night together ran through my mind. "Probably the best I've had," I said and we both giggled like school girls. We continued to talk until we got to her apartment. "Keep me updated," she said as she got out of the car.

"Will do!" I said as she closed the door. She grabbed her suitcase out of the trunk and waved goodbye before climbing the stairs to her apartment.


Sorry it was short!

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