Chapter 30: Nashville

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Chapter 30: Nashville

Mia's POV

*One Month Later*

I took a deep breath as I knocked on the brown hotel door. I tapped my foot on the ugly hallway carpet as I heard shuffling inside of the room. The door opened and my dad stood in front of me.

"Hi Mia," he said with a small smile.

"Hi," I said nervously.

"Come in," he said, stepping to the side. I walked in and sat in the desk chair. I had flown into Nashville a few hours ago and my family had arrived about an hour ago. We were all staying at the same hotel. My siblings and I had our own rooms while my parents, of course, shared a room. We were in town for the Black Veil Brides concert tomorrow. The band was arriving early tomorrow morning, leaving after their show in Columbus tonight.

I hadn't told my family Andy's last name or the band's name, or even what venue they're performing at. I didn't want them to look up Andy or the band ahead a time and make a judgement before they even meet him.

My mom and siblings went to lunch so my dad and I could talk about what happened at Christmas. My dad let the door close and walked further into the room. He sat on the bed closest to the desk, staring down at his feet. 

"Why didn't you answer the phone when your mom was calling ?" he asked, referring to the times my mom called me after our fight.

"I didn't want the apology to come through someone else, or someone forcing you to make the apology. I wanted it to come from you."

"I didn't think you'd answer a call from me," he said and I just shrugged. "I'm truly excited to have another granddaughter, I hope you know that. I was just shocked and I spoke before thinking."

"Sorry I'm not like Blaire," I mumbled.

"Promise me you'll change your lifestyle when this baby comes?"

"I promise, I'm going to have to."

"Have you and Andy talked about what it's going to be like when he's touring?"

"We're going to figure everything out after he gets off this tour. This is his last tour before the baby comes and he's taking some time off afterwards. We're being adults about this dad, I promise."

"You keep telling me he's a good guy, but how much do you really know him?"

"I know him enough. He was committed before we even took a DNA test. He jumped at the chance to attend my appointments, he's cried at the ultrasounds, he's constantly talking about how excited he is and how much he loves her. Hell, the moment the DNA test confirmed she was truly his, he bought a damn house so she would have a backyard! He's doing his best dad," I said, hoping that would reassure him enough.

"I don't know, Mia," he sighed.

"You know, I was really upset after our fight, for a really long time. It wasn't until I went to his concert last month that I realized I really didn't care about what you had said anymore. I was watching Andy jump around the stage, living his dream. I realized he is going to be an amazing role model for our daughter. I realized he will teach her that anything is possible if she puts her mind to it and she can achieve her dreams if she just puts in the work. He is living proof of that for her and I wouldn't want anyone else to be that for my daughter. He is the best, dad. Trust me."

"He sounds like a good guy, but I won't be convinced until I meet him."

"I promise you're going to love him," I said and let a smile creep onto my face. "You were an amazing girl dad, and Andy will be one too,"

"Thanks Mia, again, I am so sorry I said those things."

"I forgive you dad," I smiled, getting up and hugging him. He hugged me back and we pulled away after a few seconds.


I was applying my makeup in the bathroom mirror when there was a rapid knock on my door. I looked through the peephole to see Andy nervously rocking back and forth, his eyes darting from side to side. I opened it and he rushed in, closing the door behind him.

"Hello," I said with a raised eyebrow.

"Sorry, I was worried about someone from your family seeing me," he said. "I want to make the perfect first impression and sneaking into your hotel room makes it seem like we're having sex," he rambled nervously.

"I mean, the baby got here someone," I laughed.

"I mean like continued casual sex despite us not being together but having a baby together."

"I mean, you know I love casual sex," I winked with a laugh.

"You know I don't," he said flatly, narrowing his eyes at me.

"Well, uh, what are you doing here anyway?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"I haven't showered in a few days and need to shower before dinner. Can I use yours?"

"Yeah, you need it," I joked, scrunching up my nose.

"You are so mean," he laughed, walking into the bathroom. He closed and locked the door as I heard the shower turn on. I sat on the bed and sighed, realizing my makeup was still in the bathroom.

"Andy!" I called as I knocked on the bathroom door. "I need to get my makeup so I can finish getting ready!"

"I'm kind of naked here, I'll be quick."

"Like I haven't seen it before!"

"I'll be quick!" He repeated. I groaned and laid down on the bed. I scrolled through my phone for fifteen minutes until I heard the bathroom door open.

"That was a long shower for the small amount of hair you have."

"Did I mention I haven't had a shower in a few days? It might have been closer to an hour if I hadn't had you waiting on me."

"Thank you," I laughed, walking into the bathroom and continuing to apply my makeup.

"Should I just stay?" he asked as he ran his fingers through his damp hair.

"No, I have to get dressed."

"Not like I haven't seen it before," he smirked.

"You won't let me see, I won't let you see," I teased, sticking my tongue out at him.

"That's different."


"There's nothing fascinating about men's bodies, now women's' bodies on the other hand..." he trailed off and whistled.

"Okay, but I'm pregnant."

"And? You're pregnant with my child. Is the fact that you're pregnant supposed to change that women's bodies are beautiful?"

"Just go back to your bus and let me get ready," I sighed.

"What if someone sees meeee?" he whined.

"Go out the window."

"Mia, you're on the sixth floor,"

"You've got gazelle legs,"

"I'm six foot tall, not six stories."

"No one will see you, you're fine. Besides, only my sister knows what you look like. Just go, I'll see you tonight."

"Okay," he sighed. I heard the door open and close as he left. I finished my makeup and then started on my hair. I decided to pull it into a ponytail and then curl it. Once that was done, I got dressed. I pulled on a pair of black maternity jeans and the BVB shirt Andy gave me for his LA concert. I pull the shirt past my stomach, and looked at myself in the mirror. I guess this is going to be as good as it gets, I thought to myself as I left the bathroom.


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