Chapter 2: Wingman

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Chapter 2: Wingman

Andy's POV

"Let's get a move on!" CC exclaimed as he walked into my apartment.

"CC? What are you doing here?" I asked from my permanent spot on the couch. If I'm not working, I'm on the couch watching TV.

"Tonight, I'm not CC. I'm your wingman."

"CC? What the hell?"

"Ah. Wingman." He sang. "I'm here to help you move on from Juliet."

"Just leave me be man."

"It's been 6 months and an entire tour with as many girls as you could choose from. You rejected every opportunity, so now, you are my responsibility."

"I'm good." I sighed, digging myself deeper into the couch.

"Well, you don't have a choice. Now, up." He said, grabbing my wrist and pulling me to my feet.

"Seriously! I don't feel like it!"

"You never feel like it! You haven't felt like anything since you guys decided to divorce. You do the bare minimum of your job, and you come back here. Look, the couch even has a butt dent! This is a brand new couch, man!"

"I-I thought she was my one true love, but I was wrong." I said, shaking my head. "I'm covered in fucking tattoos that are all about her!"

"We told you those tattoos were a mistake bro." CC laughed. "Couple tattoos are a curse man."

"I know, I know." I sighed.

"It can't hurt to get out and try. Please! I want the old Andy back." He said and I grumbled.


"Yes!" He shouted, dragging me to my bedroom. He sorted through my closet until he found an outfit that he thought was appropriate for tonight. "You have five minutes to change and I'll be back." He said, skipping out of the room. I chuckled and rolled my eyes. 

I undressed from my comfy clothes and got dressed in the nicer outfit. I was wearing a black fitted T-Shirt and black jeans with a rip at the knee. I grabbed a pair of black ankle boots out of my closet and put them on. I walked into the bathroom and ran my hairbrush under the faucet, quickly brushing my hair to smooth it out. I reapplied deodorant and sprayed some cologne. I stared at myself in the mirror, biting my lip. I decided to brush my teeth, hoping fresh breath would calm my nerves. Once I had rinsed my mouth, I looked at myself in the mirror again and gripped onto the counter.

"You've got this." I told myself, trying to hype myself up before I backed out.

"Yes you do, now let's go." CC said from the doorway of my bathroom.

"What if I was pissing?" I laughed.

"We've been in a band together for over 10 years now, I've seen it. Old news." He said. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"Remind me why I hang out with you?"

"I make you laugh." He smirked as he walked out of my bedroom. I followed him and grabbed my phone from the couch. I slipped it into my pocket and CC was typing into his phone.

"Who's car are we taking?" I asked.

"Neither, Uber. It's 2 minutes away." He said as he walked out of the apartment. I sighed and followed him, locking the door behind me. We went down the stairs and waited for the car to pull up. The driver arrived and we got in the backseat. The driver drove us to a nearby bar and stopped the car.

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