Chapter 22: The Sun Is Down and We're Bound To Get Exhausted

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Chapter 22: The Sun Is Down and We're Bound To Get Exhausted

Andy's POV

I sat nervously fidgeting in my chair at the restaurant. My parents were across from me and I was about to tell them I had gotten someone pregnant. They're usually super supportive of everything I do, but I was worried this was crossing the line. They begged for years for Juliet and I to have a baby, but our schedules were just too busy to also be good parents. In the last few years, it seems like they had given up.

"Andy, what's wrong?" my mom asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked, forcing a smile to try to hide my trembling voice.

"I've known you for 34 years Andy, I know when you've got something on your mind. You look nervous," my mom explained.

"I have something to tell you guys, something really big, and I'm just nervous about how you're going to react."

"Your life has been full of big news, Andy. We've always been supportive. What is it son?" my dad asked.

"Fuck," I said quietly, biting down on my lip, "I, uhm, I'm going to be a father," I said. My parents eyes went wide as they were waiting for me to tell them I was joking.

"Juliet?" my mom asked.

"No, we've been divorced for almost a year," I said, shaking my head.

"Then who? Do you have a girlfriend we don't know about?" my dad asked. I groaned and put my head into my hands.

"CC was trying to be my wingman, took me to a bar to have a one night stand, you know how the rest of the story goes," I sighed.

"But you're not dating this girl?" my mom asked.

"No. She called me one day a couple months later. We met up and she told me she was pregnant. I've been to the appointments and I'm fully involved, but we're not dating."

"Son, I hate to say this, but are you sure it's your kid?" my dad asked.

"Yes, I requested a DNA test. It's definitely my kid."

"Oh my God," my dad groaned, putting his head into his hands.

"Why aren't you dating this girl?" my mom asked.

"She doesn't want to," I shrugged.

"How old is she?" my dad asked.


"What's her name?" my mom asked. I rolled my eyes, knowing I was about to get pelted with questions.


"Do you have any plan for how you're going to take care of the baby once it's born? I mean, you guys don't live together and it's kind of hard to share custody of an infant," my dad asked.

"She's not due until May, we have plenty of time to figure it out."

"Andy, these 5 months are going to fly by. Especially since you're going out on tour soon, right?" my mom asked.

"I'll be on tour essentially until March. After that, I'm home until after the baby is born. I've already told everyone involved with the band. Like I said, we have time to figure it out."

"Well, here's the most important question. Do you know the gender?" my mom asked.

"It's a girl," I said with a shy smile. I was still so excited that I was getting a daughter.

"Oh yay, a granddaughter!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands happily.

"I'm really excited for this and I hope you are too. I never thought I would have a kid, and now that it's happening, I can't wait. I already feel so much love for this baby and she's not even born yet." I said happily.

"We are really happy for you Andy, just also really shocked," my mom said.

"I understand, I was shocked at first too, but I also knew I was all in right away." I said with a confident smile.


I was laying in bed later that night when my phone rang. I looked and saw it was Mia, quickly answering it.

"Hey Mia."

"Hey, how'd it go?"

"They were obviously shocked, lots of questions, but they were ultimately happy. My mom's excited about having a granddaughter. How about you?"

"It went fine I guess. My dad was a little upset at first, but I think he's starting to come around. He wants to meet you before the baby comes though. He's going to try to be intimidating and scary, but I promise, he's harmless."

"Oh, okay," I said quietly.

"Do you have any shows on this tour that come near Memphis?"

"Closest is Nashville on February 25th."

"Do you think if I get my family to agree to come, you could get us tickets? I think it'd be cool for them to see you in action."

"Sure, I'd just need the number of people attending," I said and then took a breath. "Did you tell them about my job?"

"Not yet, I think my dad needed a break between "I'm pregnant with a stranger's baby" and "he's a Rockstar"," she laughed.

"Fair enough. Are your parents against like tattoos and, essentially, me?" I asked nervously.

"Not really, why do you care so much? You seem like someone who doesn't give a fuck what other people think about him."

"Mostly, yeah. I mean, these are my daughter's grandparents. I want to make sure I make a good impression so my daughter doesn't hear bad conversations about me. I want them to be able to trust me with my daughter."

"I guess that makes sense. Anyway, just wanted to see how it went. Have a good night Andy!"

"Good night Mia," I said as we hung up.


I woke up the morning of my birthday, stretching my long limbs. I picked up my phone and saw a text from Mia.

Mia~ Happy Birthday!

It was such a simple message, but it meant so much to me. I wanted nothing more than to spend time with her, hug her, kiss her even. I really wanted to try having a relationship with her, but she doesn't want that. I wanted to make an attempt at completing this family we're building. The more I talk to her, the more I fall. Her voice is music to my ears, her laugh is enough to bring a smile to my face, seeing her walk into a room makes my heart flutter. I wanted to hold her in my arms. I can't do any of that though. She's not mine.


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