Chapter 16: Results

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 Chapter 16: Results

Andy's POV

*One Week Later*

"Trash, trash, tr-oh," I said as I was going through the mail. A white envelope was at the top of my pile and it made my heart stopped. I could tell by the return address that it was the DNA test results. I gulped and set the rest of the mail to the side, looking at the thin white envelope. How could my future be held in such a small vessel? I walked over to the couch and set the white envelope on the coffee table, taking a deep breath. Should I open this alone? Should I call CC? Mia? I'm sure Mia already opened the results and has wondered why I haven't talked to her about this yet. I am horrible at checking the mail.

I picked the envelope back up and felt my heart hammering against my ribcage, my stomach twisting into knots. Damnit Andy, just fucking open it! It's not a big deal! Oh who am I kidding? Of course this is a big fucking deal. Up until this point, there's been a slim chance that this isn't my kid. This envelope would put a bunch of worries and questions to rest. But, it would create a whole new host of worries and questions, no matter the results.

I took a deep breath and ripped open the envelope, pulling out the folded piece of paper. I folded out one half, knowing the results were on the other half. I licked my lips, my hands trembling. This is it. I unfolded the other half and shut my eyes. Fuck, I can't do this by myself. I can't make myself look. My anxiety felt like it was swallowing me whole. I sighed and looked down at the paper, quickly scanning all of the medical jargon for the one thing that mattered.

Probability of Paternity: 99.9%

I took a big breath, letting the paper float to my feet. I leaned back and started up at the ceiling. I closed my eyes, my mind racing. I'm a father. That's my kid.

"Oh boy," I said out loud, so many emotions coursing through my body. It was at that moment I was glad I did this alone, I didn't want to have to explain my emotions to anyone. I was happy, but I know I didn't look it. I was also worried, scared, nervous, excited, confused, and so many other emotions.

I picked up my phone and unlocked it, staring at Mia's contact. I know I should call her, but I didn't want her to catch on to the wrong emotion. I took a few deep breaths before hitting call and putting the ringing phone up to my ear.


"H-Hey," I said.

"Oh, hi Andy."

"D-Did you get the results in the mail?"

"I did."

"Have you opened them?"

"I have."

"I-I just opened it."

"Okay," she said, waiting for my reaction.

"I-I'm in, I'm in for the long haul," I said, feeling like a weight was lifted off of my chest.

"I'm glad Andy," I could hear the smile in her voice.

"How was your Thanksgiving?" I asked, trying to change the subject so I didn't word vomit all of the wrong things.

"It was good. I was reminded that no matter how old my brother gets, he'll always be my pesky little brother. I also had a good little reunion with my sister."

"That's good, were you able to keep your secret?"

"Mostly, my sister saw right through my lie and confronted me. She has a daughter so she picked up on the symptoms I was having. I made her promise not to tell anyone though."

"Oh," I said. "You're an aunt?" I questioned.

"Yeah, my niece is 3 and her name is Lizzie. She is the cutest," Mia gushed for a second, making a smile spread on my face. "How was your Thanksgiving?"

"It was good, pretty normal," I chuckled.

"That's good," she said and then we went silent for a moment. "I have an appointment on Friday, do you want to come? I should be able to hear the heartbeat and get pictures."

"Yeah," I said with a smile.

"Great, it's at 1 pm, same place we got the test done."

"Okay, I will see you there."

"See you, bye Andy."

"Bye." I said and hung up.

I can't believe this is real.


Archer is at the top of the chapter!

Short chapter, sorry!

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