Chapter 42: Date

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Chapter 42: Date

Mia's POV

I parked in Andy's driveway, Andy rushing out to meet me.

"Hey," I greeted him.

"Hi," he said as he popped the trunk and start pulling things out. While he was emptying Kendyll's things out of my car, I pulled her carrier out of the car.

"Jinxx and Alice are already inside," he said and I nodded. I walked towards his front door and walked in.

"Hey Mia!" Jinxx greeted from his spot on the couch. I waved at him and walked further into the living room. "You remember my wife, Alice, right?" he asked, gesturing to the blonde next to him.

"Absolutely, thank you so much for doing this," I said as I placed her carrier on the floor.

"Of course! Our little guy is getting older, I miss having a tiny baby," Alice said with a soft smile. "Do you mind if I hold her?"

"Of course not!" I said, reaching to pick Kendyll up out of her carrier. I handed her to Alice and she smiled, holding her close.

"Daddy!" a small voice called out, little feet running into the living room.

"Lennon, we have to be quiet. Remember I said we were here to watch a baby? We can't be loud," Jinxx reminded his son as a little blonde boy came into view.

"Sowwy," he said as Jinxx pushed the boy's long hair out of his face.

"Lennon, this is Mia. Can you say hello?

"Hi!" he said with a big smile and a wave.

"Hi," I greeted back to him.

"Now go back to playing, I'll come to you in a minute," Jinxx said, shooing him off. Lennon ran off just as Andy came in with Kendyll's things.

"Give me a second to set up her things," Andy said as he disappeared down the hall.

"I'll help!" Jinxx said, getting up and following Andy.

"Sorry to pry, but Andy said you guys were going on a date?" Alice asked with a slightly raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, how much has Jinxx or Andy told you?" I asked.

"Well I know you guys started as a one night stand," she said.

"Yeah, you can see that failed," I chuckled. "I'm not really a relationship person, but I told Andy I'd at least give him a chance," I shrugged.

"Well, for what it's worth, he's someone I would hold on to. He's one of the good ones," Alice said with a smirk. I kept a smile on the outside but internally sighed. I wish people would stop trying to convince me and let me make my own decisions.

"Thanks," I smiled.

"Okay, let me see my daughter," Andy said as he walked back into the room. Alice passed the infant and he snugged her close.

"Oh my goodness, I missed you so much," he said. I felt a twinge in my stomach, knowing I was the reason he had to miss her. It hasn't even been a full week since he's seen her and I could tell he was already struggling so much. He held her for a few minutes, peppering her face with kisses, before handing her to Jinxx.

"Okay, let's go before I never leave," he said, grabbing his car keys from off of the hook. I nodded and stood up. "Thanks again," Andy said to Jinxx and Alice as we walked out of the house. We walked out to his car and he opened my door for me. I thanked him and sat down. As I buckled my seatbelt, he went around to his side and got in. 

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