Part 63

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Taylor's pov

I made sure to greet everyone before heading to the bedroom that me and Travis had claimed to be ours. I sat down with Harper who seemed way too tense. I decided to lay down and let her cuddle for a while which she did and thankfully she relaxed not too long later. "Harper, can you tell mommy what's wrong, you've not spoken all day. Is it because you got time out?" I asked. I made sure to keep my voice quiet and to mask the concern that had been developing inside me.

She slowly shook her head and tried to cuddle even closer to me, as if she wasn't close enough. It was impossible for her to get close but she still didn't feel close enough because she started whining. "Hey, how about we go for a swim? Maybe that will cheer you up and we can talk after?" I asked her. She looked up at me and nodded slowly so I jumped up and opened up my suitcase and hers too.

I helped her get into her little bathing suit and put some little floaties on her arms before getting into a bikini and wrapping a towel around me. We headed to the back of the boat where a few of the others were swimming in the ocean. They were all joking around with each other and splashing about so Harper looked very hesitant. I left her on the edge and slowly let myself slide into the water. I reached out my arms for her but she shook her head and took a step back.

I noticed Travis approaching behind her in his swimming shorts and he gently placed a han down her back which caused her to jump out of her skin and tense up. I noticed tears in her eyes and her bottom lip began to tremble. Travis knelt beside her and pulled her close to him. "I'm sorry Tiny, I didn't realize I would scare you. You're okay girlie no one will hurt you. Do you want to go in the water at the same time and I'll hold you?" He asked her.

She started to cry and reach for me so I opened my arms but she shook her head refusing to get in. Travis slid in and we both held out a hand each for her but she hesitated and stepped back again. I could hear little whimpers coming from her little face but she could tell us why she wouldn't go in. Before anyone could speak Ellie snuck up behind her and pushed her straight in.

Travis and I reacted so fast and thankfully she landed in our arms, both of us sandwiching her between us and grabbing anywhere we could to keep her afloat. I had hold of her little arm and Travis managed to grab her around her waist. She immediately turned to me and clung onto me, now even more terrified than before. "Hey sweetie? Can I show you something? Look, watch this."

I carefully lifted her under her armpits and placed her in the water before letting go. I had enough trust in the life jacket and floaties keeping her up so I wanted to do this and show her that she would be okay in the water. Other than the experiment to give her some trust in the life jacket I would be keeping a tight grip on her at all times.

"See, you're okay in the water, your dance won't go under the water." I told her gently before pulling her back toward me and holding her close. We stayed near the edge of the boat for Harper's sake but I knew eventually I needed to get back out and have a serious chat with Ellie. Her behavior has changed so much out of nowhere and I'm not liking it.

I climbed back onto the boat and put a towel around me before putting one of the big hooded towels on Harper and picking her up. I handed her off to Travis who decided to go help with food plans and talk to Jason and Kylie and his nieces. I was definitely going to be over quickly for some cuddles with little Bennett but for now Ellie was the main issue.

I went into the room she was staying in and sat beside her. She was crying and acting fed up. "What do you want?" She mumbled so I immediately sat up and fixed my posture before giving her the look.

"Don't start with that. What is going on? You hit your sister, caused her to take a huge setback then shove her into one of her biggest fears. You know she panics around water from what her dad did to her. You know how horrible it is to be hit, your parents hurt you and you wouldn't like it if someone hit you and brought back all of those memories would you?" I asked her. She slowly shook her head and looked down in shame.

"Ellie, this isn't like you at all so please talk to me so we can figure out how to change it. We're on this lovely yacht. We don't get to do these things often and get away from the media so can we please enjoy it. Picking fights with your sister isn't going to be enjoyable for either of you and it makes it so difficult for us because we want to relax too." I explained. This time she nodded slowly.

"I just don't like that you took my phone away and Harper only got time out. I get that time out seems like a lot for a toddler and that I can't just get time out but it just seems so unfair." She told me. I understood where she was coming from and I know that taking her phone must remind her so much of the eating disorder days but no one has ever shown discipline. I need to lay down rules and show that I mean it when I threaten a punishment and that way she learns.

I explained all of my reasonings behind each punishment and why I chose them then told her she is allowed the tv back and can use her phone for 2 hours each day until she gets it back. She chirped up at that and nodded, following me out of the room. "I want you to apologize to your sister please." I told her.

She nodded and we made our way over to Travis Harper and Jason. As soon as Harper saw Ellie she reached over for me and started whimpering so I picked her up and sat with her in my lap. She shied away from Ellie who tried to give her a hug. "I'm sorry harper. I shouldn't have been mean and hit you or punched you. I'm sorry. Can I have a hug?" She asked Harper who tensed and clung tighter to me.

Ellie's eyes filled with hurt, worry and guilt which made me step in. "She's just sensitive at the minute, she's struggled with flashbacks and obviously a huge setback she's not verbal right now and she is just very clingy. I'm sure she would live a hug later though." I told Ellie who nodded and turned away, heading to speak to my friends.

Great, the girls aren't getting on even after an apology. Just want we need on our nice little yacht trip.


I hope you enjoyed! Please leave lots of comments I love reading them they make my day and make me laugh all the time. Also let me know any requests you have!

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