Part 30

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Harpers pov

Mommy was trying to talk to me and get me to speak to her. All she wanted to speak about was the man. Daddy's friend. There are more of them and they are probably all trying to get me. I couldn't tell anyone because I would just get hurt. They are all trying to find me. I'm sure they will get me one day.

"Did the man get near you baby? You can tell us, it's just me and daddy here no one else will know." Mommy told me but I couldn't talk to her. I didn't want to talk to her. I abated her to care about me first and be here for me. The more she talked about him the more nervous I was getting.

"Princess, we know you're scared and it was a lot but we really need to know what he did when he came into your room." Daddy added. I felt my sobs on the way and they were so hard to hold back. I just burst into tears on the floor holding onto my blankie. I didn't want to tell them.

They couldn't know about how he tried to hold a pillow on my face, and how he held the knife to me when I screamed and that the only reason he stopped was because he could hear daddy coming. I just wanted them to stop talking about it. If I tell them then he will be back and he will hurt me.

Mommy came running over to me but I jumped back. I felt scared of her for the first time ever. I just wanted space but at the same time I needed her to hold me and tell me I'm okay. Why would I let her come near me if all she cares about is daddy's friend?

I watched as worry and concern covered her face and just stared at her, directly in the eyes. I was frozen again, I couldn't go to her and I couldn't move away. I was scared. Of Taylor...

Taylor's pov

"Baby come here, you're okay." I whispered, reaching out to pick her up under her armpits. She didn't move and she didn't even blink. Her gaze dropped to the floor and I could see the tears spilling from her eyes. She was completely silent and frozen. I managed to pick her up and bring her into my lap, leaning back against the sofa while I sat on the floor.

Travis came back from upstairs holding her bear and her other blankie that we had gotten her. I smiled gratefully and passed them into her but she didn't accept them, they just fell to the floor. I picked them up and tucked them up by her and just gently rubbed her back.

"It's okay, mommy's got you, we won't talk about it again. Come on sweetie it's all okay we're here and nothing is going to happen." I told her, whispering just loud enough so she could hear me. I felt her head move a little to look up at me and her little blue eyes met mine.

"Hi there." I giggled. She smiled a little and wiped away her tears with her hands then grabbed her blankies and got herself comfortable. Not wanting her to sleep I turned her around to face away from me and shuffled closer to the coffee table where we had some paper and crayons always out for her. Sometimes she wants to play with toys and is too scared to ask to go get them so we just have them laying around for her. As long as they aren't in the pathway of anyone who may be walking around we don't really mind.

Travis and I usually tuck them away to the side whenever we go to do anything and see things in the way anyway. Our apartment really has become such a mess since the adoption but we just have to do what makes Harper feel more at ease. "Do you think she would be traumatized if I put Greys anatomy on..."

"Taylor no! She's 3 you can't watch that with her in here. She'll freak out, she's seen enough last night. No, put a cocomelon on." He told me as he snatched the remote and put on a cocomelon. I was sick of hearing these songs but I wouldn't have it any other way.

I smiled and got a little video of Harper sitting in my lap singing along and drawing before making a rash decision to post it on my Instagram story. People always love when I post Travis and they all know about Harper anyway so why not. They live family content and I love that I can feel like our family is normal.

I posted it and tagged Travis before adding in a little corner. "Think I've got someone following in my footsteps."

Tree immediately texted saying that the responses were already amazing and that fans were already freaking out over it. Of course they were, harper is just adorable.

Since the chiefs game we attended people had been convinced that harper was my actual child and not adopted, most likely because of her mouse blond hair and bright blue eyes, they were a slightly lighter blue to mine but still extremely similar. It is such a coincidence that she does look like me because there isn't really a way that she could be mine. I hadn't exactly explained that she was adopted  but I do enjoy listening to the delusional theories that the fans come up with.

"Hey why don't we go out for dinner, get out of the house for a bit?" I suggested to Travis who was immediately down for the idea. We prefer to go out especially because we're always so tired after multiple days of shows in a row.

Once we had got ready I made my way to the door and placed Harper down, putting on my shoes. As soon as I went to put her coat on she began screaming and crying saying she couldn't leave. She was convinced that she was going to get found and killed. Seeing her in such a mess was so painful, whoever did this to my baby will pay. We didn't need another setback now. Not after how well we were doing.


Hey guysssss

How are youuu

I hope you enjoyed the update sorry it's a bit shorter than usual by like 100 words...

Anyway please leave lots of comments coz I love reading them.

Leave any requests here and I will add them into the next part!!!

Our Small Miracle - Adopted by Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now